One Yukkuri Place




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  • moi86 said:

    i mean, its a wasa.

    No the parent actually are very kind for yukkuris standard. They just have to unwilling spoil this lillte fuckface wasa so it could shut the fuck up and not attract danger to the family, or better yet, the entire clan.
    I swear if i have a kid like this i would be in charge for 1st degree murder.

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  • Date Uploader coolyo294 Rating Questionable Score 0

    Mister bought live bait akayus to feed Remi.
    Remi tortured the akayu before eating.
    Mister asked Remi, would it really be sweeter if she did that?
    Mister fed Remi the akayu that he had tortured for 3 days and 3 nights (it won't react anymore so he would kill it anyway).
    It's super sweet.
    From then on, Remi only wants to eat the food that Mister had tortured.

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  • Is it just me, or did upvoting/downvoting posts disappear? I can't upvote this post and all newer posts have 0 upvotes, despite their number of favorites

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  • Reminds me of when I was 6, I cannonballed into an empty pool my mom was gonna fill, and immediately both my legs and ass were shot into unimaginable pain that I've yet to experience again on that level. I still don't know how I didn't break any bones, the force I used was immense.

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  • yukkurito said:

    Reminds me of when I was 6, I cannonballed into an empty pool my mom was gonna fill, and immediately both my legs and ass were shot into unimaginable pain that I've yet to experience again on that level. I still don't know how I didn't break any bones, the force I used was immense.

    I guess kids are lighter so their bones suffer less force when falling?

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  • Date Uploader coolyo294 Rating Questionable Score 0

    Shithead Koyukkuri is the "All in one" of the everything we hated most of a typical child
    And abyuse story is literally what happen if these no law against these bad childs.
    (Just saying my opinion, no mean to offense or starting war or sth)

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  • Date Uploader Ahegao Rating Explicit Score 0
    Date Uploader Yuno Rating Questionable Score 0

    must abuse must abuse must abuse must abuse
    must abuse must abuse must abuse must abuse
    must abuse must abuse must abuse must abuse
    must abuse must abuse must abuse must abuse
    must abuse must abuse must abuse must abuse
    must abuse must abuse must abuse must abuse
    must abuse must abuse must abuse must abuse
    must abuse must abuse must abuse must abuse
    must abuse must abuse must abuse must abuse
    must abuse must abuse must abuse must abuse
    must abuse must abuse must abuse must abuse
    (The voice in my head are getting loud and louder)

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  • Shame. I prefer she would get severe and savage karma and punishment, not just a random mad. Mad yukkuri didn't even feel the pain and suffering, they just stood there and chanted some random stuff.

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  • Cosmos said:

    Shame. I prefer she would get severe and savage karma and punishment, not just a random mad. Mad yukkuri didn't even feel the pain and suffering, they just stood there and chanted some random stuff.

    In the other thing, yukkuri goes insane is the best and beutiful thing that they ever done: no demanding food, clothes or become pet; no talking incuding anger shit or bean paste logic to human; no fucking up with human propertys; their pride shattered to pieces. They just stands there and waiting of shinigami came to drags them down to the deepest layer of uneasy place on ground. It's always given me the "First time sniffing America's grass" feeling whenever i witness it

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  • Little_Pogchamp said:

    This mental abuse was so strong that it had physical manifestations on that ko, now that's new

    its an amazing premise when done correctly, too bad its pretty rare, afaik this one and are the only stories here that use psychological abuse to this degree

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    This whole story needed a good anon to call the popo on this shit yu's.

    And yeah we totally need a Yu version of the FBI raid having the SWAT FBI raiding some Shithead filled place throwing shitheads around, smacking them, spraying them, etc.

    Anyway, press F for poor Remyu and pray for a sequel on which this "lil emperor" Marisa gets it's due.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:

    This whole story needed a good anon to call the popo on this shit yu's.

    And yeah we totally need a Yu version of the FBI raid having the SWAT FBI raiding some Shithead filled place throwing shitheads around, smacking them, spraying them, etc.

    Anyway, press F for poor Remyu and pray for a sequel on which this "lil emperor" Marisa gets it's due.

    F, and that lil shit is gonna Pay for what he done, hope he meet judgement

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  • Nachopepper said:

    This is the end or are there still more pages?

    This probably is the end to this story.

    But I dont get why they dont just ambush retatd marisa and kill them, since they clearly dont want him around

    Unless their scared of his penipeni

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  • Spring.wateR said:

    This probably is the end to this story.

    But I dont get why they dont just ambush retatd marisa and kill them, since they clearly dont want him around

    Unless their scared of his penipeni

    I think that it has to do with the ingrained "yukkuri that kill yukkuri can't take it easy" so unless it's a proper clan with guards and such that can overcome that instinct for the sake of protecting the clan, there is no way for proper punishment to happen, only just avoid and hide.

    The only yu's that easily overcome it without training are either shitheads, scum or a special kind of dumb (not retarded) yu's.

    It's kinda why we have that problem of Bad Yu's taking over Good Yu's unless some Good Rare Combat Yu's or Remis/Flans show up to help them.

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  • Nachopepper said:

    This is the end or are there still more pages?

    the next page is actually the first page of this pool.

    I love this guy works so much and wish that someone who can take it easy will upload all of his works to this site (for archival purpose)

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  • KillAllYukkurisReloaded said:

    Go find a shrink, you crazy bitch.

    Those moments when the abyuse is so fucking insane that even other abyusers briefly develop a conscience and tell you to get bent are rare rays of sanity in the yukkuri world.

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  • Is she really worse than the anons who thoroughly abuse those creatures before killing them? At least they do get enjoy living for a bit

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  • Good thing that Dosu didn't said on front of Cartel member. Otherwise they gonna gets traumatized over the Funky town song after that.

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  • Date Uploader Far Rating Questionable Score 0

    Yes, yes it is. My goal is to translate everything similar to this and with a reasonable quality of art, or provide a translation if it would require editing beyond what I can do.

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    Three said:

    Fake ko, going by the dialogue.

    You say that as though yukkuri are above doing that to their own little ones

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