One Yukkuri Place


Date Uploader user 4764 Rating Questionable Score 0
Date Uploader Ahegao Rating Explicit Score 0

But I thought if a paste core was planted it should produce an exact copy of the deceased yukkuri, if not then a yukkuri of the same species, why is a Marisa sprouting from it? 🤔

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  • I should mention that babies for fast breeding species are generally very selfish.
    Baby birds for example, compete viciously for food, which is obviously a zero sum game at the expense of other babies, and attracts attention of predators through their cries.
    Yukkuris are no different really, sacrificing their sister for some sweets sweets is actually rational.

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  • MemelordSans said:

    I should mention that babies for fast breeding species are generally very selfish.
    Baby birds for example, compete viciously for food, which is obviously a zero sum game at the expense of other babies, and attracts attention of predators through their cries.
    Yukkuris are no different really, sacrificing their sister for some sweets sweets is actually rational.

    It's fun when you actually learn something from these little dough balls.

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  • It's kind of impressive to think that this is probably the first ever adult Wasa Reimu in this author's canon. All previous ones would inevitably die, as yukkuri are far too selfish to be able to maintain something so fragile and obnoxious, and it seems unlikely that any other human would be so overwhelmingly self-hating that they'd waste their life trying to raise something that dies if it ever becomes upset for any reason.

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    Me before reading this: Fck wasa!
    Me after reading this: Fck wasa!

    Thanks for translating this.

    Edit: this artist has lots of interesting mangas, but all of them are so long, so usually, I'm not uploading them.

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  • Imagine an horror movie about a poor man hired to rise Wasa's into adulthood and watching his sanity, hopes and dreams being eaten away, while trapped into a remote location, build over an indian burial ground.

    The Wasaning.

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  • -Yukkuri's survival rules no.30: Don't born as Wasa
    If you were a Wasa Reimu, do "Eat up easy" is the best suggestion
    cuz the world never been easy place for you. Everyone, even god hate you, whenever you are nicehead or not.

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  • Lol141 said:

    -Yukkuri's survival rules no.30: Don't born as Wasa
    If you were a Wasa Reimu, do "Eat up easy" is the best suggestion
    cuz the world never been easy place for you. Everyone, even god hate you, whenever you are nicehead or not.


    ...Wait, were you serious?

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  • Date Uploader Yuno Rating Questionable Score 0

    TosylChloride said:

    Okay okay, I'll get .50 cal Browning MG instead.

    We were going out to hunting yukkuri, not neutrailized some terrorist
    Difference? Talking manjuu are easier too kill
    If you want to take care them with firearms, .22 longrifle is enough

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  • Date Uploader Ahegao Rating Questionable Score 0
    Date Uploader GesperMan Rating Questionable Score 0

    Imagine one day all your gacha saving gone to ashes because a bun of pest broke into your house and do fun thing to your phone
    I couldn't blame the anon if he goes mad and not just become an abyuser but also start genocide every yukkuri he saw on the road (I know what a gacha player can do when they angry)

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  • bwessedookie said:

    Yukkuri Centipede…

    I'm getting so sick of that reference...
    Especially there is no one created tag so i can blacklist it.

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  • Date Uploader coolyo294 Rating Questionable Score 0

    Shithead Koyukkuri is the "All in one" of the everything we hated most of a typical child
    And abyuse story is literally what happen if these no law against these bad childs.
    (Just saying my opinion, no mean to offense or starting war or sth)

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  • Lol141 said:

    Shithead Koyukkuri is the "All in one" of the everything we hated most of a typical child
    And abyuse story is literally what happen if these no law against these bad childs.
    (Just saying my opinion, no mean to offense or starting war or sth)

    So this is a "here's what happens if they passed laws to protect yukkuri against abyuse" story?

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  • It looks benevolent, but in the first page, anon said that he didn't care who was wrong or right here (as in, he didn't care if the yu being saved was a shithead being punished fairly).

    He's still taking it home anyways. Should I add the 'tsundere' tag?

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  • So in this story they think they are inkling and you know ink they can swin(submerged) like the game and yeah I can see they spew ink i think i don't know it can be paste,and spewing on anon and well ded like any yu and inkling that's all i can say

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  • P3

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  • moi86 said:

    i mean, its a wasa.

    No the parent actually are very kind for yukkuris standard. They just have to unwilling spoil this lillte fuckface wasa so it could shut the fuck up and not attract danger to the family, or better yet, the entire clan.
    I swear if i have a kid like this i would be in charge for 1st degree murder.

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  • Ctmbottomtext said:


    Pick one or both of these actions:

    • Click on "Wiki" and read the homepage
    • Click on "Upload" and try to figure out the form
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  • Date Uploader coolyo294 Rating Questionable Score 0

    Mister bought live bait akayus to feed Remi.
    Remi tortured the akayu before eating.
    Mister asked Remi, would it really be sweeter if she did that?
    Mister fed Remi the akayu that he had tortured for 3 days and 3 nights (it won't react anymore so he would kill it anyway).
    It's super sweet.
    From then on, Remi only wants to eat the food that Mister had tortured.

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  • Is it just me, or did upvoting/downvoting posts disappear? I can't upvote this post and all newer posts have 0 upvotes, despite their number of favorites

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  • Reminds me of when I was 6, I cannonballed into an empty pool my mom was gonna fill, and immediately both my legs and ass were shot into unimaginable pain that I've yet to experience again on that level. I still don't know how I didn't break any bones, the force I used was immense.

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  • yukkurito said:

    Reminds me of when I was 6, I cannonballed into an empty pool my mom was gonna fill, and immediately both my legs and ass were shot into unimaginable pain that I've yet to experience again on that level. I still don't know how I didn't break any bones, the force I used was immense.

    I guess kids are lighter so their bones suffer less force when falling?

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