One Yukkuri Place



BaronMind said:
If you're talking about the same thing you just posted on the forums... Fly is one of the mods here. And asking you to apologise for dropping a double F-bomb on someone with barely any provocation is hardly a "nasty threatening note".

Don't take things so seriously. Take it easy!

Relevant thread to those out of the loop: forum #6667

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  • AbyuseAddict said:
    I really doubt my drawing skill.
    Kinda lame sometimes.

    Still a lot better drawn than some other artists. Just keep practicing, even if you don't see it yourself, the improvements are there.

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  • AbyuseAddict said:

    ...or i should just change another drawing style again?
    This one never gonna work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Go with this. Maybe you haven't really found your personal style yet, one that you're comfortable with.

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