One Yukkuri Place



ukshadow said:
I was under the idea that the komarisa was one of the surviving koyukkuri after the Marisa got raped to death.

It wasn't clear if there were any survivors, especially after Accelanon's rampage. On the other hand, there's this one pic of the nicehead strays that fueled my speculation: post #36708. Note the hair style.

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  • Toawa said:
    Since when did Gensoukyo have cars?

    The SDM have quite the collection of vehicles. They even had a race (Hakurei-Kouma Rally 2010) with them at one time.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:

    So this has officially become a constant joke, uh?

    I wonder if we'll be shown 1001 ways for "Waifu" Yukkuri Reimu to lose her body in the most bizzare yet comical ways possible.

    I pretty much called it.

    Also, on a tangent, from looking through the series, I wonder if the Komarisa was the other survivor of that nicehead strays that Accelanon wiped out. Would be interesting to see Reimu's reaction if this turned out to be true.

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  • MezzoDragon said:
    It seems to be a happy end (for those who like yukkuri, that is).

    If only the story ended right here, then yes, it's a good end. The complete story ( turned dark and depressing, and for once the yukkuri aren't to blame. The complete story was similar to the fanfic "A Family That Stays Together" by Fragtagonal (posted in the Yukkuri google group).

    Needless to say, it even managed to depress me. I wanted to see how they raise their koyukkuri, expecting a light, fluffy feel-good tale, but instead...

    Anko 1009 said:

    "Please... [Reimu]I'm sorry! We are starving... Little ones need to take it easy... Please let them take it easy..."

    "Hey... Don't blame her[Reimu]! It was my[Marisa] fault! Sorry! I'm sorry!"

    She slowly picked them up.

    "No... I should apologize... I'm sorry, guys. I was hungry [and forgot about you]."

    "That's not true! Big Sis is not slow!"

    With Reimu's words, her eyes at that moment went wide.

    "Marisa knows that you are sick! Big Sis should take it easy!"

    The woman stood in silence. They had left the mess in the kitchen, and had set them both down on the dining table. Now taking a good look, they [the yukkuri] could notice that she seemed unusually different from usual.

    "Thank you... But it's fine. It is painful... But this is not from an illness."

    "Yu, easy?"

    "I don't understand..."

    She [the woman], her mouth slightly open, placed her left hand on her abdomen.

    "You know... I am having a baby."

    Both Marisa and Reimu stopped moving. Then, [they spoke at the same time].

    "Big Sis... little ones?"

    "Giving birth... easy...?"

    "Yes, I will. My beautiful baby, I'll show you soon, Marisa and Reimu." She said it in a way to imitate Reimu's words before.

    Both Reimu and Marisa's faces were shining [sparkling with amazement]. They were exited [by the news].

    "Yu Yu Yu~un! Big Sis will be a single mother soon!"

    The woman smiled and laughed at Reimu's words.

    "Yes. So be sure to raise your little ones well too, or you'll get laughed at by your babies." At that, she pointed out to the three little yukkuri.

    Their mouths seem to move in reply, "Take it easy!"

    Their parents cried in happiness.

    "So Reimu? Marisa? When I'm not well, can you be able to provide food for yourselves? It's where I put aside the rice."

    "Easy, yu! We will do it! Big Sis, be at ease!"

    "Thank you," she said, as she ate her meal with her growing family.

    (Disclaimer: This is my attempt at translating that section, so it's not perfect in any way. It was also at the point I had a sinking feeling where this story will go, but I foolishly continued on.)

    I shouldn't have tried translating it.

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  • MezzoDragon said:
    After reading through this entire series, perhaps these need the 'family_friendly' tag. Nothing bad happens to any of the characters.

    By "entire series", you meant the illustrated versions. The story went into a really depressing direction afterward.

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  • This said:
    I play Legacy. Type II and Extended are too damn expensive to keep up with.

    With the new changes to the floor rules, this comment is now hilariously ironic.

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  • It's not as popular a saying in the West, but "going where the river flowed" does not mean the same as "going where the wind blows".

    The former means that the person (in this case, the one-inch exorcist) lived a righteous life as a member of a community (the flow of the river referring to the state of society). The later means that the person is living a directionless life, going where the whim takes them.

    As the one-inch exorcist is a direct reference to the actual Japanese myth of the one-inch samurai, the former would be more applicable than the latter. The original fable itself is full of symbolism and lessons to impart to the human children who were the target audience.

    Of course, in the context of this story, Marisa wouldn't understand the concept of figurative imagery, let alone symbolism, and so took the story literally.

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  • At the rate Wife Reimu's growing bodies, this running gag's going to really impact Mister Owner's wallet eventually.

    Wife Reimu said:
    I'm a miko you know? A man's romance? What's with your response?

    Silly yukkuri. Drills are a man's romance. Miko are a fetish. Big difference there.

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  • harouki said:
    You know...during my low level translations, I finally understood why this artist draws so many stray yukkuri stories...I feel so enlightened yet stupid...

    Nora = Stray
    Aki = Artist


    Someone mentioned the meaning of the words in another (very early) post #15228.

    tora said:
    The "stray Reimu" term used in this trilogy was an interesting choice of words. It was "nora-Reimu". Not "yasei-Reimu" (Reimu born in the wild), not "sute-Reimu" (Reimu who was abandoned), not even "gesu-Reimu" (scum/trash Reimu), but "nora-Reimu".

    I used the simple "stray" reading for "nora-" but there's an additional layer to it. Calling someone a "nora-__" means you're calling them the equivalent of inbred trailer-park trash.

    This does explain noraaki's distinctive art style for the yukkuri, doesn't it.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:

    Glad to see a bit of continuity.

    I'm more glad Purple's doing well, and apparently has grown, in more than one sense of the word. (Love her attitude here.)

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  • Unyu said:
    On an unrelated note, Omanjuuaki definitely seems dead yukkuri-wise and has moved on to other things.

    Pity. I really wanted to see infinite bean paste (pool #129) concluded. And just when things were getting good too.

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  • FunkSoulBrother said:
    As opposed to ...?

    Every single yukkuri who's ever done home invasion--singular, since yukkuri tend to do this only once--maybe? Some of the means to break into a house actually requires some clever thinking, for yukkuri standards, at least.

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