One Yukkuri Place



harouki said:
Hey, saving the world from witches using Magical Girls is a good thing!
Not telling the Magical girls that they are simply the stopping point between Girls and Witches however...

魔法少女 (Mahou Shoujo) - Magical Girls - turn into 魔女 (Majo) - witches.

Pretty much, yeah.

Which leads into a very, very disturbing similarity with the fanfic I'm in the middle of that's posted in the groups...

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Knowing yukkuris, that's probably not the case and they just were douchebags to things that didn't follow their usual standars and as a potenciated kneejerk reaction to something different from the common they act like such different thing is something that shouldn't exist to begin with.

    Basically a x1000 potenciated version of those people who hate anything that it's notoriously different or "foreign", since yukkuris are obsessed with easiness, they probably think that anything unknown or different from the normal is something that will ruin or break the easiness out of not being part of the average picture they have of their lives.

    ...So hybrids/mutants can't be shitheads too?

    Unless you mean they can't since they'd be forced to Take the Big Easy Forever from their "normal" kin before they even get a chance to, then yeah, I'll agree.

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  • maximusfive said:
    I don't agree with calling QB evil. Considering his goal is to save the universe from entropy, you can't really call that evil. (If he wasn't bullshitting when he explained his goals)
    Combine that with his species/him lacking emotions, and calling him evil is really pushing it.

    Granted, I wouldn't say he's 'good' either, but I wouldn't call him 'evil'.
    Just an unintentional jerk/douche in the way he goes about accomplishing said goal.


    QB lies. It knows exactly what its doing. It had done blackmail, manipulation, implied threats, withheld critical information, and most importantly, QB views humans the same way Anon views yukkuri. It deserves no sympathy or mercy.

    To us humans, QB and his kind is evil. Yes, I know drawing comparisons is not city-sect, but to them we are the yukkuri.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Hmm you know the funny thing? if they end up killing her out of "weird accessory" it would be the first case "since Argue it Easy", on which the yukkuri's discrimination because of accessory would be used in a positive way, since let's face it, white/grey accesories koreimu is a blatlant shithead, so any hurt hurt and death would be a fitting punishment for it.

    Makes you wonder if yukkuri discrimination evolved because the first batch of mutations were self-centered shitheads like this case.

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  • AM2 said:
    Welp, I found what could be the original story, from Googling it. Anyone wanna try to translate it?

    Oh, I remember that site. I think poweryoga linked me to that before in the groups.

    Anyway, from my limited understanding of written Japanese (read: L1 + lots of raw manga + Google Translate), the picture's a compressed synopsis of the anko story.

    From what I could read, narrator was going on throughout the story about Sanae types lacking common sense, Reimu types as the standard yukkuri. The Reimu and Sanae were taken in by the narrator to be raised as pets. Reimu was actually meant to be a pet, while Sanae was a stray. As time went on, Reimu turned arrogant and hostile while Sanae remained sweet and courteous.

    The curry segment was a humorous segment. Reimu demanded the "shitty slave" for food, but after finding the curry "poisonous" (spicy) she assumed it was meant for Sanae. Who, to her surprise, not only can tolerate the curry, but finds it delicious.

    The bath segment was another funny part. Reimu had demanded that the "shitty slave" kill the "uneasy liar", and had assumed that that tub of warm water was meant to drown Sanae in, even though it was obvious that the narrator meant to give her a bath.

    Later on, the narrator brought in more yukkuri pets, and have the two raise them. As you can tell from the pictures, Reimu was a horrible model yukkuri, while Sanae... well, according to Reimu, "was a totally uneasy liar who does not have the common sense to raise kids properly".

    Apparently, what Sanae's "lack of common sense" meant was common sense as defined by yukkuri. This resulted in Sanae "mutating" (growing a body) because of her "uneasiness".

    The narrator decided to promote Sanae-types as pets, with the help of the now-bodied Sanae to teach the pets they will raise and sell.

    As for the Reimu, his original pet, he decided to "reward" her by sealing her anyaru and mamumamu with flour, then dumped her in the alley (possibly the same alley where he found some koyukkuri for them to raise earlier).

    Caveat: I am not in any way a translator, so I could have gotten some parts all wrong, but that's what I could understand.

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  • ukshadow said:
    You know, I have only seen one "shithead" Meiling (as she was called in the series), and she only became so after much stress and grief.

    But more than shithead, she became twisted.

    Wrath of China is awesome. Look it up.

    I feel it rather hilarious that you are giving recommendations to JIE of all people.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    You missed the point of what people mean with a "Deibu like" shithead, technically there are "Deibu Tier" shithead of the main archetypical group: Bawiza, Awize, Badchouli. So when someone say a non Reimu yukkuri is Deibuish they probably mean something like those i mentioned.

    I've been thinking... About the "Deibu Tier", besides the common types, are their deibu versions of the other yukkuri? Besides retarded bodied yukkuri and the extreme trolls like Aya and Reisen, there must be fanworks of other shitheads of them out there, although they are understandably rare.

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