One Yukkuri Place



Apc said:
Raper-Sanae!? are telling me that rapers can come in different types now?

... may city-sect have easiness on us all

I take it you've never seen Gesu Marisa. Or the whole premise of Useless Reimu.

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  • If anyone wants to rage, they can go ahead and rage at me.

    For one of the reasons why I want yukkuri to be real,
    is so that I can do exactly what Anon is doing right now.

    The level of sweetness must be Unearthly. ( ◕‿‿◕ )

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  • That doesn't mean we have to like it.

    In fact, I'm going to go ahead and say it up front while we're in this topic:

    I don't like you, and I don't like your work.

    BUT, I respect what you're doing, and why.

    I will not deny the stunt I pulled earlier before the move, but that was when I was in a less rational state of mind. I will not excuse myself for that. I still stand by my actions, and the reasons for it.

    Maybe you should go finish all those stalled projects of yours, and maybe I might change my low opinion of you.

    Not that matters, I'm just only one user. And so are you. One user is not a reason to leave, when there are more worthy threads to follow.


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  • poweryoga said:
    Walk around barefeet for a few days. Your feet will have the same color. :)

    Days? What spotless ivory tower do you live anyway? I can get the same result be walking outdoors barefoot in less than an hour.

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  • Moeman said:
    Well, when it's taken this far, it looks more like chubby loli than yukkuri. You like squishy girls? Arima Senne for example.

    That's also because this looks like it's based off a similar fanart with actual human characters. I'll dig it up one of these days and link it here.

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  • SUN said:
    We need more parents like these, parents who realize their child is a vile hellspawn and promptly off the little bastard. So to all parents and would-be parents out there, if you realize your child is a psychopath you've got to:

    1. Come to terms with the fact that you have failed as a parent, or that you have defective genes.

    2. Make the world a better place and euthanize your child.

    Oh, the irony.

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