One Yukkuri Place



This was one of the first stories I read on OYP, and one of my favorites.

Imagine my surprise when I found the source at post #13131 with a certain interesting trivia:

The bishonen in this series was supposed to be the Delicious Trap, when not in his usual attire.

Mind. Blown.

(It does make sense though: He does resemble a visual kei band member...)

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  • Could this be the family from the raper_alice series by the same author? Would make sense why she'd be a crybaby (like AM2 said).

    (Also, fridge brilliance if this speculation is true: crybaby Alice grows up to become tsundere_alice.)

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  • Ask the translator why, especially when the translation at the source is written differently:

    post #25870

    But I guess quibbling over details in other people's work is more satisfying than completing one's many stalled projects.

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