One Yukkuri Place



>I still consider them self deluded, but for other reasons i rather not discuss,

What an interesting turn of events. The yukkuri Biology thread in the Yukkuri Google groups page is a perfect place to post them. Please do, I would really like to know your reasons.

>I'm realizing we went to far with this discussion, better drop it here,

But you've piqued my interest, so I would like to hear your opinions out.

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  • Translations do change the context of things, doesn't it.

    Was this a part of a series? I'm really interested in their take on an idea I've been having for a long time (but have yet to put on paper).

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  • Now there's an interesting thought exercise...

    If reimu moves like a deibu, talks like a deibu, acts like a deibu, reimu's definitely a deibu, right? Now what if said reimu only does those things when "on duty", but is actually a nice, helpful yukkuri, would this deibu still deserve the hate heaped on the stereotype she only resembles part of the time?

    Pointless, I know, since the deibu hate only calls for her squashing anyway.

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  • They already know where the clan is, but not the specific details as of yet. The men are not moving in to capture and/or exterminate them until they have a good picture of what they're up against, so what they're doing is capturing any stragglers and torturing them for information (numbers, presence of Dosu, etc.). The fact that the humans are resorting to war criminals (if done to other humans) level of torturing could possibly mean that they're out to eradicate the yukkuri in the area.

    During the interrogations, the yukkuri would break down and call for "Miss Angel" to come and save them, raising the men's interest.

    ...Or that's how I understand post #33046 (as it looks similar to post #27050 and post #27050 to not be a coincidence). It's all speculation until we get translations here.

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  • From what little I can figure out, Marisa is preparing her home for her mate-to-be and their future happy family. Not knowing...

    Oh, and Panel 3:
    (My life is over/I'm screwed forever/<insert favorite phrase signifying despair here)

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