One Yukkuri Place



Well, we've seen way back around the first appearance of Meiling (Guarding the blocked cave with Remi in it) that yukkuri tend to assume meiling's are guarding something worth taking/invading/whatever. Thinking about it, maybe what the Guards get are protection? They can probably build a nest near/under the plant as long as they avoid the traps (and this is why it'd only be something that smarter or more naturally disciplined yukkuri could take advantage of). obviously other yukkuri likely to, y'know, kill the young and take over, would probably not be smart enough to avoid the traps.

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  • And people keep whining about Yukkuri not having a place in an ecosystem. A place can and will be found - and this is just another example of another part of nature finding a place above and with them.

    Also, now i can't stop imagining Yuka, Meiling or other smarter types using these things in a symbiotic way somehow. Yuuka/Meiling/whoever guards the 'easy house', other yukkuri desire to get in, Guard leaves for a moment... other yukkuri leap at the chance only to find it's a trap!
    Dunno quite what the Guard yukkuri would get out of it though - mebbe they eat young shoots or whatever the plant puts out (because i don't know if these types of plant put out fruits or berries of any kind)

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  • Well, a number of Yukkuri fight with sticks held in their mouths. Bodied Yukkuri have hands, so it's a natural progression - though i severely doubt they'd be able to hold anything too heavy.

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  • 'surpassing human strength' would make sense if one believed the regular lies some yukkuri make about being able to defeat humans.
    If the Narrator/Storyteller is a Yukkuri (and thus falls for such lies), then such a statement would be understandable.

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  • No.
    I'm just getting more than a little fed up with how everyone and their goddamn dog leaps on these pictures yelling 'they deserved it, they fucking deserved it' when, quite clearly, the only reason they're acting up is because a Mister was messing with them in the first place.

    The only reason animals don't call you an asshole is BECAUSE THEY CAN'T FUCKING TALK.
    I'm pretty damn certain that the real top reason so many beat on yukkuri who otherwise haven't done anything, is because the yukkuri are more than happy to call an asshole an asshole (or some equivilent anyway). Granted, those that invade, or make demands from the get-go are a different matter, but in a situation like this the yukkuri have basically been taunted, called mister on his dick behavior, then killed for it.

    Because Mister is a asshole, and no-one likes to be told the truth about how much of an asshole they are. So he denies it through the use of excessive violence.

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  • Conveniently forgetting that Yukkuri can twist from side to side - only one of the more common non-walking motions they're shown to be capable of.

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  • >cheeky little bastards.

    You've never dealt with children or most animals before have you? Getting pissed because you've just offered, then removed, a treat is a common reaction to the vast majority of untrained children and animals. There is nothing 'cheeky' about it. If you want to get technical, it's anon being the bastard here by deliberately provoking such a response in order to have an excuse to mutilate them.
    That's sort of like kicking a cat then killing it because it clawed you in retaliation.

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  • Or alternatively it is a wild yukkuri descended from wild yukkuri. And i mean WILD, not 'gutter trash', 'abandoned' or 'living right next to and stealing from mister's easy farm'. I mean the kind of Yukkuri that has had to fight from birth to stay alive and have done so for several generations.
    Kind of like if you compare a lynx to a housecat - one will tear your face off, the other probably not.

    Think of it as survival of the fittest on a squishier scale. Those with the capability to hunt and/or forage survive, those without die. In the city, however, food is plentiful (admittedly as garbage) so the hunting abilities become severely retarded over the generations.
    In terms of ecosystem, i imagine Yukkuri sit in a niche a little below that of a ferret - can tear up most small herbivores, but anything with any real physical combat ability will annihilate them.

    On a side note, i want to see Yukkuri try to eat a hedgehog or porcupine. Just for the hell of it.

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  • Generally, from what we tend to see, any Yukkuri raised *from birth* can easily become a well-behaved, polite yukkuri (assuming the owner didn't raise it for the sole purpose of killing it anyway).
    It's only when anon tries to adopt wild or gutter yukkuri that shit tends to go horribly wrong (unless they are of a particularly docile species, such a Yuuka or Meiling.)
    Generally 'from birth' seems to mean 'has no yukkuri parent rolemodels', though there are a few examples of polite parents raising polite children. Obviously this can only happen in captivity since the nice yukkuri, in the wild/gutter, generally get taken advantage of and then killed by the complete dicks that are the other yukkuri.

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  • Wonder what happened to the mother? And the alice anon used to rape the mother.

    Totally unrelated, but I can't help but see this as some form of artificial acceptance method. Let the koyukkuri starve until it almost loses it's mind due to lack of body mass, then give it food. Bam! Then it assume you're it's parent... or something.

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  • ^
    I assume "an owner loved a baby an didnt watch it." should be taken to mean the mother abuses/kills it because it's getting more attention than herself?

    Also, the 'not the same type as itself' thing makes me wonder, are there any known examples of 'cuckoo' style behavior among Yukkuri? That is to say a type getting their kid to be brought up by another family in some way? (Rapist alices probably don't count, as all the evidence shows that either the mother kills rape-koyukkuri off, or dies in the process of being refreshed by the alices)

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  • Thats a rather smart plan, if let down by that one last step. (you would have thought that if one could turn to stone one would be able to turn back - so i can't exactly all it a stupid mistake.)

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  • ^^
    RE trains: Two word - Darwin Awards.
    Also over here they've been running a campaign about the stupid shit people do at railway crossings and there are enough videos of people deciding to try and run across the tracks despite an oncoming train for me to say, with confidence, that yes some people really are that damn stupid. (obviously they're not going to broadcast the ones who actually get hit, but enough of them barely avoided horrible death for it to be easy to see that a lot likely didn't avoid it)

    I think the argument Cowpies put fourth is that if PETA sees them as animals, then it'll defend them. If it doesn't then they're admitting they must be close enough to human to have human rights since PETA only despises humans.

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  • 1. Yukkuri power is not necessarily related to the power of the human/youkai/whatever they resemble.

    2. Radioactive Utsuho and poisonous Medicine have shown up a few times, and each time they have they have been dangerous to humans. Hell, some places say Iku and Moko are dangerous due to lightning/fire abilities (though neither are suggested to have half the area-effect of Utsuho and Medicine types).

    Even if utsuho doesn't nuclear explode, beating the shit out of it is going to leave highly radioactive material all over - either way it's enough to constitute a serious threat to human life. And before anyone pulls the 'oh, kids and adults will be taught not to abuse those types then' - that won't work because you'd be seriously underestimating human stupidity - the populace at large knows being hit by a train will kill you, yet a whole bunch decide to walk along train tracks anyway. The same principle would apply to being told 'beating these Yukkuri is dangerous'.

    You have to be objective in these things - coming at this from the points of view that 'all yukkuri need to be abused' or 'all yukkuri need to be saved' is simply asking for trouble. The most sensible expectation of wild/gutter Yukkuri in human society is as tolerated vermin, such as pigeons, raccoons, squirrels and the like. For the vast majority of society there would be little to no worth in doing anything but ignoring them unless their presence impacts on you specifically (ie: with building invasions, or yukkuri regularly begging outside a place of business or where they may be a health hazard) - in which case the most likely course would be to call in a specialist rather than deal with it yourself (moreso since a lot of pest-controllers deal part in extermination and part in prevention of further infestation.)
    Obviously pet Yukkuri have slightly different rules, but then pet rats aren't the same as wild rats so a similar thing applies.

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  • ^^^
    Like PETA need an excuse to want all humans killed off anyway? Yukkuri, to such batshit mental animal groups, would be just another excuse to show all humans need to die.
    And of course, if PETA hold true to form, they'll be responsible for the most (humane) yukkuri human-caused deaths anyway.

    Also, on the basis that all humans automatically abuse yukkuri - as is the prevailign argument by many - we must assume that a large number of humans have died out when such retards unthinkingly do the same to Medicine type (thus releasing all sorts of poisons) and Utsuho types (thus nuking the area).
    With this in mind, i cannot see how rampant Yukkuri abuse could *ever* be seen as 'normal', since after a few such 'accidents' with volatile yukkuri, there would inevitably be a fuckhuge crackdown. Add that to the yukkuri-likers, and the mental animal (and possibly seperate Yukkuri) rights groups... Rampant Abuse will be prevented.
    In the end yukkuri will likely end up like most wild city animals, tolerated by law, removed by trained people, and generally ignored.
    Besides, most humans are too fucking busy to bother randomly abusing shit in the streets - and therein lies the irony of Taking it Easy, because if we took it easy we would have time to abuse them.

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