One Yukkuri Place



ukshadow said:
So apparently OYP is well known to them. Sadly, none of them post here (apparently). Would be interesting to see some exchange done.

Sanaeaki replied in post #39031 and said that he/she would put OYP in one of the images he uploaded that night to prove that it was the real deal.

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  • Skribulous said:
    Based on the discussion in forum #524, where it was agreed that the deibu tag implicates shithead.

    That isn't what was agreed to. There's a difference between deibu-like behavior, and yukkuris slurring their name (particularly under duress). See the wiki article for deibu for details, and note that this Reimu isn't exhibiting those characteristics.

    As far as I'm concerned the shithead and deibu tags do not apply to this image. I know if I'm looking for examples of a shithead yukkuri this Reimu isn't acting like one. If I'm looking for examples of a deibu the same applies.

    But the Reimu in pool #275? Perfect example of a deibu.

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  • Explosion said:
    Then suddenly: Yukkuri Thriller

    ...but damn, hell of an ability. Yukkuri necromancy.

    That's one of her abilities in SA. She controls some zombie fairies to attack you, above and beyond her own bullet spam.

    It's still an odd exception for a yukkuri to have any of their namesake's power, though.

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  • Even human babies and young children do tend to flip out when they get hurt you know.

    They tend to cry hysterically, not throw a damned tantrum and thrash about. They're more like the ko-reimu from the companion image.

    This image is closer to their behavior when you try to give them medication that they are refusing to take, particularly if you have to use a syringe :D

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