One Yukkuri Place



Hitosura said:
Ya know, there's been a streak of really negative stories on here. Any chance we can see a neutral or positive one in the near future?

Then look for them, or make them yourself.

I'm not being abrasive, that's really how we did it back in the day.

More content leads to more discussion, encouraging the growth of the community.

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  • Anonymaus said:
    Glad you folks are enjoying it despite the lapses in updates. Is the text more legible? I switched to Wopex for those since they're reputed to be better for clean dark marks.

    Keep going, these are great.

    Just don't stress over it and take it easy.

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  • Salem said:

    The biggest blunder for me is that the author made Marisa say she's taking the house as her easy place.
    Likely it's a cheap shot to make us think Marisa is a shithead because that's shithead's pattern; and then "caught us in surprise" when he revealed Marisa is a real gold badge abandoned for no good reason.

    That's not a blunder, that's called unreliable narration. Intentional bait and switch.

    It's really brilliant storytelling if you analyze the intentions. The story elicited a reaction by provoking a reaction from the readers.

    The scenario relied on the readers' expectations, then PLOT TWIST.

    I can understand why you'd all be upset. Nobody likes to be manipulated.

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  • Gitamii said:

    [...] - those crazy pro-yukkuri fanatics who wishes death on m1 and clammbon and others.

    Do these people still exist? I'd have thought they've moved on to the latest flavor of the month like, say bitching about how moefied personifications of WW2 Axis warships is historical revisionism, or that calling out shit quality work is harassment. Things like that.

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  • Wicktum said:
    Life as a yukkuri-bredeer must be pretty fullfilling. Free sweets, stress relief, entertainment.

    With the occasional scum stray family wandering right into the premises to break the monotony.

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