One Yukkuri Place



danogoat said:
It doesnt help that touhou fans are raging lunatics

You say that as though touhou is the only fandom with crazy fans.

You ever see fans of... ANYTHING else?

Seriously, go hang out with some star wars/trek nerds for a few weeks then come back and tell us how "insane" touhou fans are.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Well as I say now a days, the stories reachs such grim aesops, that the present Yukkuris have to be the work of a Wizard! a Cruel and Cynical Wizard with a dark sense of humour, that uses them to teach aesops through making them horrible role models for other beings to NOT imitate, hoping for humanity to learn through the Yu's fallings. How effective that is, is debatable at best.

    It really goes back to the "Shikieiki did it" school of thought on this as it simultaneously punishes wicked souls(or maybe its a purgatory to sort out "grey" souls) by forcing them into bodies of feeble flesh and addled minds while also acting, as you've been saying, an aesop to warn people away from this kind of behavior. The aesop part really fits Shikieiki's style as it's basically in essence indirect lecturing.

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  • potatotomato said:
    This is rather cheap. A normal dildo often cost higher than 30 dollars.

    I know some people get a sexual thrill out of abyuse, but I don't think comparing the price of yu's versus dildos is a good standard.

    "Wow Bill! That's a really rare yukkuri you have. How much did it cost you?"

    "You're not going to believe it. Only 7 dildos."

    "Damn, that's a deal."

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  • That actually would be a good explanation for why they have such a strong aversion to their own "poop". The filling they crap out being pure concentrated bad memories makes sense and meshes well with other concepts like them forgeting bad events after eating a lot (then subsequently shitting).

    ...or this is yet another case of the universe warping itself to screw them over again.

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  • Skribulous said:
    Lots of stories have the yukkuri ending up in urban areas because the forest is slowly thinning out due to human expansion

    Or its the other way around with yukkuri expansion(wild reproduction) thinning out forests, forcing them into cities.

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  • Koakuma said:
    Touhou tag?

    The tags looks like they were copied straight from the source or danbooru. Kind of lazy, but better than just leaving a "tagme" when uploading.

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  • ech0six said:
    Reimu's do seem to be on the receiving end of most yukkuri abuse. I figure it's because they're so common.

    ...and they're often portrayed as festering shitheads making them very squishable targets.

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  • Barrakketh said:
    SSiB spoilers: Yorihime kicked the collective ass of Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya, and Remilia. She blocked a Master Spark with her freaking sword.

    tl;dr version: Nerdrage.

    Haha, No. No she didn't.

    Ms. Mary-Sue Godmodder kicked the asses of 4 touhou characters that were at the weakest they've ever been in their entire lives. Only one used their best spellcard and even it was nerfed into a foam pool-noodle, three of them didn't had their characteristic items/weapons and the only one taking it seriously was under the effects of her major weaknesses the entire time.

    Seriously, it was like they were all put into hyper-nerfed easy-mode. Then again that entire comic and indeed most of the printworks are filled to the brim with plot holes and series inconsistencies(and that's a fairly impressive feat considering how vague the series is with it's concepts). I'm fairly sure the printworks are just a shameless cash-grab and/or sanctioned fanfiction.

    It's because of this kind of crap that I basically view the touhou printworks in the same way I view the Nintendo CD-i games.

    Hey, you guys wanna guess what my hot-button is for the touhou series? I'll give you a hint: It's not about toasters.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Could you calm down Koakuma you had been acting weird today. . .

    Yeah, I think he got into a commenting spree while drunk or someone else is on his account.

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