One Yukkuri Place



Ctmbottomtext said:

Are you kidding takumi? A flood? Great story and then this bullshit

I'm sure this isn't how it's gonna end, but I am disappointed that this route was taken. Forests don't flood that easily.

It's just another yukkuri hardships.

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  • cyberzhang said:

    If they gave up their child the parents may still survive this, now the flan seems really pissed...

    In all sense of the fandom, no the hell they wouldn't have.

    Regardless, I dunno if you read the comments here or not, Takumi, but please... leave it here. This is a great spot to just leave this one. Don't ruin it by trying to keep it going and find another ending. << Took you way too long to get to this point in the first place.

    Please, let them have their victory. <3

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  • Nice shot.

    You know, in the wild, at this point, most predators flee. Predators aren't looking for a fight, they're just looking to eat.

    Regardless, it's nice to see an actual battle rather then oh no flan we're all dead


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  • HikarinoYami said:

    Wait the ko yu are so Light even wind could blown by wind and they fall in asphalt that why they seems says hot aka hwot

    They're basically fluff.

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  • NeoMyon said:

    Pretty sure it's a memorial, the bottom image is a plaque and the paste core is preserved inside a jar of lemonade(?) like ashes inside an urn.

    Picture of the yukkuri + date + jar? I'd say it's a memorial.

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