One Yukkuri Place



Surely not ones that large? That'd mean you have some pretty messed up piping system if they did...
Ah well, i'm sure having a garbage disposal unit hooked up would deal with them nicely.

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  • Wait. Animal rights groups hate Yukkuri and refuse to defend them... because abusing them in turn encourages animal abuse?
    That, sir, is quite possibly the most stunning bit of un-logic i've ever seen. And yet... i wouldn't be surprised at all if real animal rights groups did take such a stance.

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  • Oh god, this is just going to be one long string of horrible BAD LUCK accidents happening to each and every one, until only Hina is left.
    Probably with a JUST AS PLANNED face too.

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    Though i think you may be commenting on the wrong pic there, i do agree with you.

    This series has thrown up some interesting things, though also a bunch of 'wtf?' questions. And because it's me, thinking too realistically into shit, I wonder what sort of health regulations there are on yukkuri sold as food in stores?

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    Well, to be fair, he didn't save her.
    Okay, yeah, he may have been showing her hardship, but there was nothing to physically stop him from stepping in if shit went too far - (hell, he could pull his shirt up or something to hide his face and Marisa probably wouldn't even know it was him saving her.)

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    Adult marisa might be cheaper on a one-to-one basis, but if alice keeps raping them to death? Replacing them would make the costs mount up. Faux-marisa can be repaired by just re-inflating it - so long term, with a rapist alice, the fake is simply more economical - if more annoying to constantly repair.
    As i said - the baby thing *could* be taken as a deliberate attempt to cause despair, but i find it far more likely that anon just assumed alice would be happy as long as it was there and just forgot to use it as a play-aid. (I never meant that he forgot about alice in general)

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  • Unless that half-freak is the owner of those apparently farmed Yukkuri, then i would be strongly advising to blow it's freakish head off.

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  • Yukkuri abuse beginners set? That's pretty nifty. (i'm assuming that since 'it breeds fast' is only a side-thing rather than the main draw of the set that it's not really intended for actual raising/breeding)

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    It wasn't so much as trying to apply concrete biology as it was me realizing, after reading the other comments here, that i don't think i've ever seen any anons applying orange juice to savory-filled Yukkuri. Just seemed like a good time to ask about it is all.

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  • You know, it just occured to me, and this may be a stupid question - but would you give orange juice to non-sweet yukkuri like Remilia, Flandre or Meiling types? 'cuz unless they're eating it (in which case it falls under the 'anything they eat becomes filling thing), surely a sweet thing would be detrimental when applied externally to a savory or spicy-filled yukkuri?

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  • ^^
    I imagine it's like most small animal roadkill events, by the time you're close enough to realize it's there you're too close to stop the car in time.

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  • This seems kind of cute, though i'm not sure if the reimu wants Anon back because she's terrified, or if she's scared for the Anon due to what she saw on tv after he left.
    Anyone care to explain it a bit?

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  • I don't necessarily like violence for the sake of it, but i do enjoy the sense of realism inherent in this picture. I mean hell, for most animals it's a tough life in nature - for a yukkuri, which is a walking ball of food with little defence - life must be more harsh.
    Personally i'd love to see a series done as a documentry type thing, from a fairly objective standpoint (rather than 'they all live happily' or 'they're all gonna DIE' as we usually see).

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  • I don't think the owner ever intentionally tried to cause this alice suffering - looking back most of it was self inflicted after she fucked up Anon's attempts to make her happy.
    He gave her a playmate (reimu) who she promptly raped to death. He then gave her a faux-Marisa who she promptly raped to the point of breaking because it 'didn't give birth'. By this point Anon was obviously less than amused (as i imagine a pet-class reimu and a faux-marisa probably cost him) but still made the faux-marisa 'birth' to make the alice happy.
    Admittedly you could argue that because they remained on the stalk, anon was deliberately causing suffering - and maybe he was - but i found it more likely to assume he simply forgot about it (otherwise i assume the RC koyukkuri were supposed to fall then are meant to be turned on by the owner to play with the yukkuri - simulated childrens) aaaand so the alice then ate the likely expensive RC koyukkuri. At this point Anon was definately not happy, so deliberately caused trouble.
    Then orphan-alice shows up! Anon is likely happy then because now his pet alice isn't going to be causing more trouble now she actually does have a child.
    And then she pulls this kind of shit - apparently practically starving the child to death.
    That's at least the way i see it, it's only really the fake childrens that can really be taken as anon deliberately causing suffering.

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  • I wonder what adult alice's owner has to say about this?
    Because hell, of the two i know which one i would rather be keeping. Especially given the adult's previous track record.

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  • "There you can pour sand or dirt into the tank to give them a place to make their nest ..."
    All i can think of now is giving them different 'ground' materials to see how quickly they end up burying themselves trying to make a nest.

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