One Yukkuri Place



Really pandering to the violence there. Not that it's a bad thing per se, but it's heavily dependant on the focus within the game.

Assuming a 'creatures' or 'sims' style focus then frankly the player should have little actual ability to kill or harm yukkuri directly as the focus would not be about what anon can do to yukkuri, but about what yukkuri do themselves. That's not to say that BAD END deaths won't happen, but they'd have to be things indirectly caused by anon (ie: anon places a fireplace! Yukkuri end up setting themselves on fire.) or, far more likely, caused by yukkuri (yukkuri falls off cliff during fight with sibling! and suchlike) stupidity.

As a 'business' style game, more along the lines of... well, okay, i don't know any good comparisons offhand - then anon interaction would be more involved and such a model would facilitate the idea of raising certain types of yukkuri for selling. Perhaps a customer orders a super-sweet Marisa - okay then, time to get out the implements of torture. Then again, maybe one orders a well behaved, polite yukkuri - obviously rampant torture isn't going to work there. I would expect there to be time limits on the orders too.

Really though, you're never going to fit in everything everyone wants, so just go with what you think works and sod the rest.

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  • On the one hand, it's good to see one of the koyukkuri is finally leaving the shit that is it's parent - but on the other it's pretty certain it'll end badly for that one.
    And i *still* can't work out how the other one is making those fry-boxes stick.

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  • And the mother is still a big shit.
    The one wearing the fry-boxes as a faux ribbon seems pretty smart however since i can't for the life of me work out how the hell it would have managed to get them to stay there. Of course, if it were really smart it'd leave the shit mother that's bound to get it killed.

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  • It's not that i'd be shifting blame per se, but it is a fairly standard human reaction to lash out at others when injured (as you would be if you tripped over a bunch of cables). So yeah, i'd blame whoever left them there at first, until the pain went away at least, but i'm not the kind of asshole who would actually go ahead and try suing - i'm just pointing out that in todays world a good number of people probably would try to sue.
    Frankly you cannot honestly tell me you've never blamed someone else for your own fuckups ever. At the very least you would have done it as a kid.
    Hell, if we want to get technical in this it seems to be the Yukkuri parents blaming anon, which is pretty much exactly what a huge majority of parents appear do when their little shit of a kid does anything wrong - blame it on someone else.

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  • Why should you want for a bad end? This Yukkuri is a good, well behaved Yukkuri, why should anon not see it back to health? It's his beloved pet after all.
    Now, the three who did this to it on the other hand - exactly violent revenge on them would be more than appropriate.

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  • To be fair though, if i tripped over a bunch of cables on the floor i'd probably be blaming the person who put them there too.
    Hey, just think, in todays world you can trip over his cables then sue him for leaving them there for you to trip over! Of course that doesn't work for Yukkuri.

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  • All i can think is that if he didn't screw the monitor cable into the pc, then about all that koyukkuri would have been to yank the cable out of the back of the pc. (i never screw mine in for a similar reason - only with cats)
    On a side note, how heavy is that koyukkuri then, if it pulled the monitor off with so much force? "cuz i have a small monitor, and i have a hard time imagining a koyukkuri heavy enough to yank it off like that by accident.

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  • True. I think it'd be more fun if they didn't grow back, since it would kind of reinforce their 'die for remilia' mentality more. Kind of like a beehive, with Remilia as the queen bee - and lets face it, some ultimately self-destroying defence just seems to be the yukkuri way of evolution.
    But yeah, i wouldn't imagine such an attack would do more than maybe sting a bit if it hit a human.

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  • Two things.
    First: There are plenty of ways to do interesting invasion failures, ranging from an anon gloating over his devilish defences, to focussing on yukkuri facing a variety of defences including less fatal - though more psychologically amusing - methods. Or perhaps even in the sense of a public information thing (like the 'how to care for your yukkuri' type images) on how to protect a home from invasion.
    There, three perfectly good ways to approach an interesting invasion failure story.

    Second: A discussion is only over when the people involved stop having it, not when some ass shows up an arbitrarily declares it over because he or she doesn't like it when other people talk.
    And just think! I wouldn't have bothered to post in this one again if you hadn't bumped it back to the front page! Way to fail at getting rid of what you hate there.

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  • See, now i'm imagining Sakuya types being able to fire their teeth like (admittedly blunt) knives. A possibly useful attack which would unfortunately leave it unable to, y'know, eat stuff. And then it will die from starvation.
    I know it's not canon in any way, but that sort of ultimately suicidal attack seems to stick in my mind as fitting for them somehow.

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  • I so want to take that stick the komarisa has and just smack the end, forcing the other to rip through the back of it's mouth/body.

    Though i am curious as to why the Marisa didn't turn on the Reimu for birthing them - i would have thought that would be the kind of thing it'd do.

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