One Yukkuri Place



RedRuin said:
No more so than Life of Brian.

Interestingly enough, I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time an image featuring crucifixion of a yukkuri was posted in OYP. Those previous ones weren't tagged though, and sadly couldn't find them again even when using tangentially related tags like impaled...

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  • Not this is a good entry. Unlike that previous post, the flow is dynamic and consistent, and the humor is maintained throughout while managing to strike a balance with the action going on. The reader can easily tell that this is the work of a storyteller, not a wannabe artist putting in some cool shit just because it looks hilarious. The art may need improvement, but we're not expecting professional work so that gets a pass.

    Most importantly, this did not take 3+ months to make.

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  • Salem said:
    The origin is either anime, or probably a comedian.

    I recall reading in another site that this was a catchphrase of an 80s game show hosted by a popular comedian at the time.

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  • saline said:
    Idk, Yun-Ya's editorial staff are too left wing for me. Their opinion piece on a Syrian intervention was awful.

    No surprise, their writers are all rabid Yukkuri Justice Warriors that will play the abyuser cards at their critics, seemingly blind at the obvious hypocrisy. #YukkuriGate #NotYourOniisan

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  • "Admiral Nitori" does have a nice ring to it.

    So which starter will be Nitori's first shipdaughter? And will we be seeing more (mis)adventures of Miss and Admiral Nitori as they plow through the grindhell known as Kancolle?

    (Suggestion: make a Kancolle "diary" chronicling your gameplay experience, with the shipgirls replaced with yukkuri versions of themselves. Guaranteed gold, right there.)

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  • Skribulous said 2 years ago:

    I am keen on finding out the titles and corresponding web sites of these new doujin games.

    Update (after 2 years, lol):

    The titles of all of these can new be found by browsing through touhouwiki's pages, specifically the Fan Games and Fan Music section. I've managed to get my hands on a copy of them through the usual means *shifty eyes*, and I'll probably link the info on this page when I get around to it one of these days. Unfortunately I'm sad so say, like a lot of anime these days the reality never matches the hype. Ah, well...

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  • Artistical said:
    I don't know, I find house yu so creepy. This whole "egg-laying" deal just creeps me out.

    Egg-laying isn't even the worst part, since yukkuri have been known to reproduce by laying eggs, not just house-yu.

    This is what makes them so creepy: post #39667 (specifically lower-left panel)

    (To read the whole classic story by kiriraitaa from the beginning, start here: post #38111)

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