One Yukkuri Place



PathOfAbuse said:

Popular Marisa being a slaver makes much more sense than the things I guessed earlier.

Wow this is brilliant. And everything makes a lot of sense with this explanation (an explanation that doesn't involve a sympathetic/trolling anon, that is).

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Indeed if anything this is like the "magic powder" that "Popular Marisa" have on Hy's most recent story.

    This yu-cocaine doesn't have "medicinal" properties, though. It's clearly a recreational item, even among yukkuri. It's really a lot closer to your story than even you realize.

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  • nemo said:
    Batman! save us!!

    Deibu carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. Mister City is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of expired bean paste and when the drains finally scab over, all the scum will drown. The accumulated filth of all their rub-rub and poo-poo will foam up about their feet-feets and all the slaves and dosus will look up and shout "WHYYYY IZ DIZ HAPPENING!"

    ... and I'll look down and whisper "Fitting Consequences."

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  • zidana123 said:
    Oh, so the ABUSE ending is the real ending then?

    Time to fix the order again :(

    From what I understood from looking through the series, these sequence of abuse was tacked on by m1 to the ending to drive home the fact that the version made by p-graphics (as seen in post #12665) is not the "canon" end.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Indeed, if anything it may had made him tone down the necroing because from what I saw He hadn't been necrobumping as continously as He was before.

    And don't mind the CGIF guy, He clearly wasn't here when forone's necrobumping was so bad that the "comment" section of OYP had the whole first page being old works with his comments or 1 liners, not even raising interesting discussion material, it wasn't like it was making the board more lively or anything.

    But yeah getting into the "FUCKERS FAGGOTS" attitude towards other members isn't good, the mod can easily get into CGIF for that.

    If anything, cgif is a hypocrite and a serial necrobumper as well. Why hasn't cgif sanctioned yet?

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    It's not really religion only thing but any organized group that someone use to raise his/her/their power.
    Swap Dosu with God, The Country, The Great Leader, The Commander, The Comrade, Democracy, Freedom, The Mother Land, etc.

    In other words, religion.

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