One Yukkuri Place



Salem said:
Agree that the father has been really unreasonable. But she's been a pet and survived an extermination. That talk about Dosu being the messiah made her see the popular Marisa as a scum so she still understand the danger of that idea.

I still don't trust popular Marisa either. She's gathering support right now. It's either she reap profit from her followers or it will turn into a social discrimination against the minority of yukkuri who's not sect member or follow their way.

It's already happening. Popular Marisa is using threats and intimidation (the Dosu-Spark mushroom) as well as acting like the Second Coming, instead of being a proper mediator of conflict between yukkuri.

Wait, how did the mushroom get past the caretakers? Now, the pack of sugar might get a pass, but no way can anyone ignore that threat. Unless...

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  • zidana123 said:
    The suspicion enters my mind at this point that Popular Marisa may not actually be a yukkuri at all. >_>;

    Paper pouch of medicine that cures all ills, huh?

    Isn't it already established though that the caretakers in this shelter aren't exactly as knowledgeable about yukkuri?

    Be that as it may, this Popular Marisa is just too Gary Stu to merely classify as a nicehead.

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  • HankySpank said:
    You know, I would be very pleased with a series about yukkuri mechs.

    Mostly because mechs are pretty much a surefire way to improve anything.

    I'm working on it.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    It has been a while since nooraki had made something new, and I think his style improved again.

    By "improved" you meant nora discovered shading, then yes, it's an improvement.

    Still waiting for Clever Marisa's ending. No, I'm not bitter.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    She kinda stopped being a monk after starting learning black magic and all that. Killing is debatable but she did stop being a monk, at least officially.

    Also, yukkuri are exempt from all known "no killing" creeds (except for yukkuri lover groups, but that's a different can of worms altogether), since they don't belong in any natural classification.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    We were talking about the "own kid murdering" speed record, abortion for yukkuris count as kid murdering since they are semi conscious and all that. (do not apply this logic to real life were abortion is debatable depending of your stand.)

    Your mistake is comparing the terminology to real life (which you, of all OYP authorities, should know better), when I was referring to both of them as they are used here in OYP. Granted, some images have them used interchangeably, but the idea is there (abortion = the act of killing unborn koyukkuri; birthkill = the act of killing koyukkuri as they are being born, or right after they are born).

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