One Yukkuri Place



Cosmos said:

Have no idea how to create a new tag, so very appreciate if someone give me a detail of how to do it.

Just add a tag in the edit/upload page and if it doesn't exist it will be created as a general tag
If you want to add a non-general tag then add a prefix e.g. "character:chimata"

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  • Wish there is one more page about what they were thinking right before the tím they take it easy forever, or the "what if" version.

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  • The one time there's a human willing to adopt strays just happen to also be the one time koyus actually listened to their parent's teachings. Unlucky

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  • Ahegao said:

    Beautiful words.

    Thanks for uploading and translatinf this.


    You know, I'm not usually criticize the author's works but this story could be (a lot) better. Like, what is the point of the later part with Remilia, it derail entirely from early settings about a good Marisa with 2 idiots. The story could have take a different turn, maybe the Marisa finally gave up and join her family, maybe she became a great yukkuri, but this happened.

    Also, very glad that you're still going strong and upload regularly, Mr. Ahegao. The site has been so sluggish for me that uploading stuffs become a chore to do.

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  • Sclavus said:

    Gold badge Ko-Yukkuri? The Patchouli must be a child prodigy or something.

    Gold badge koyu is not that rare, especially for a yukkuri who already has some positive traits like Patche, sure it costs a fortune to acquire, but it's not like a extremely scarce, like adult wasa.

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  • Takumi really has talent of making me, a "Yukkuri lives matter" to "I will burn this planet down before i spent another minute living among these manjuu"

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  • Little_Pogchamp said:

    Just annihilate this vermin already, I can't take it anymore.

    Then bring me a plastic container and 250ml of sulfuric acid and i'll this shit bastard cursed itself for being born

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  • I remember reading an old akon about how yukkuri as a species literally change the world into a better place, as they have many useful traits, with 1 of their usage is turning trash into an edible thing and help solve the world hunger, and another being using them as a fodder for dangerous missions.

    The story ended with an announcement that a new international day will be create in the honor of the yukkuri, with a name is "Take it easy" day.

    A really good read but too bad I can't seem to find it again.

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  • Ahegao said:

    While rereading this (and fixing some of the TL), I noticed that it was mentioned that they fought and their accessories were torn yet it was never shown. I think there's a page missing between this and the previous. And maybe a missing page between this and the next too since it seems like something is missing? But alas yuppiyupitaro's pixiv has been nuked so there's no way I can confirm it now.
    There isn't any yukkuri work archive besides this site is there?

    Livedoor MIGHT have something, but it's all in japanese so I have no idea where toi even begin to look apart from the various artist tags on the side.

    I doubt it, but who knows..

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  • While rereading this (and fixing some of the TL), I noticed that it was mentioned that they fought and their accessories were torn yet it was never shown. I think there's a page missing between this and the previous. And maybe a missing page between this and the next too since it seems like something is missing? But alas yuppiyupitaro's pixiv has been nuked so there's no way I can confirm it now.
    There isn't any yukkuri work archive besides this site is there?


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