One Yukkuri Place



The fact that these are possibly the cutest ko's ever probably doesn't help either. Even their suffering is sort of endearing though! But, yeah, this mister's unquestionably a prick. At least he's creative.

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  • You've pretty much summed up my dilemma with all yukkuri, Cubistic. Well, except the stupid oblong shitting ones everyone likes to draw for some reason.

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  • No, but killing something with all the emotional attachments and sensitivities and twice the intelligence of your potential future newborn (or any current pet) is.
    Anon is an overreacting sociopath until and unless someone can actually point to a page wherein it is made clear he was the victim of an attempted homicide. Sociopaths are the meat and bread of yukkuri fiction, of course, but I'm still facepalming/terrified that people actually consider some of the "logic" they're using to defend this dick to be tenable.

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  • Yukkuris are manjus. Manjus are not ambulatory, do not talk, and are nonsentient. Only desperate nitpickers use real-world pastry to try to argue that their preferences in a species of fantasy creatures are immutable law.

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  • Don't sweat it. I'm a translation purity nazi, but ultimately if you're up front if you're taking liberties or not sure I won't rage. I just get my panties in a wad when people just overwrite what was actually being said/narrated and give no clue as to what was actually there. Seems dishonest to me. But don't mind me too much either way. I'm just part of the peanut gallery.

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  • Well, aside from the short term memory problems yukkuri exhibit in some settings. Impressive logical skills (as disturbing as that sounds) compared to a lot of the animal kingdom, but they're more or less functionally impaired. I just facepalmed briefly when I realized I overlooked the whole chronic forgetfulness facet just now.

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  • Say what you will, but a yukkuri is smarter than a rat or a cockroach by several orders of magnitude. Not as even-tempered, reliable or good-natured as a good domestic rat, but you never see one doing anything as planned-out as what yukkuris do (minimal though that planning is). Hell, you rarely see even higher-order primates managing some of what they do. The primates just also happen to have much better social skills despite that.

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