One Yukkuri Place



Salem said:
Kiri upsets the balance. Because he creates wasa, Reimu has to be drawn with both variants else the artist is guilty for being "not representative"

Even yukkuri are not except from the SJW.

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  • gay-pants said:
    But the Osatou yukkuris are hyper intelligent beings that came into existence to guide the human race to their salvation. They will kill you with their telekinetic powers if you try to hinder their progress.

    That's not going to stop humans, especially when food is involved.

    You know why we haven't had any contact with aliens?

    Gitamii said:
    It realized humans eat yukkuri kind, cousins of the alien.


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  • boats pls go...

    Not on my watch.

    salvationhope said:
    the eye flame blue its from anime Black Rock Shooter

    It's also a common characteristic of the Shinkaisei-kan (深海棲艦 / しんかいせいかん, literal translation. abyssal ships ), the antagonists of the Kantai Collection browser game.

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  • danogoat said:
    no dialogue boxes or panels, no shading
    ... so pichiful pichiful

    Well, I like it. The creative use of negative space and the diorama-like sequencing makes it stand out, and the properly evened pacing helped with the flow. Also funny was the bit with Reisen's molestation still going in the background, though it's veering sharply into dragged out territory.

    (Of course, that could be just giving a parsee too much credit. Then again, laziness is the father of inventions...)

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  • EllaLuxe said:

    I want to see a translation before I believe she's a yukkuri. Bodied yukkuri don't grow into adults.

    It depends on the writer, and this isn't the first time such a phenomenon was illustrated: post #37192


    poweryoga said:
    So our bodied yukkuris have finally evolved to be full scaled touhou characters... again...

    I see what you did there.

    (I wonder if the Japanese fandom also reads the western stories, especially the ones in YF .)

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  • ukshadow said:
    Oi! Necro-posting is frowned upon.

    The occasional resurrection is fine, especially if the comment contributes something. Serial necromancy however is a big no-no.

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  • Fiver said:
    But Pico's, phobia to anything sexual related is suspicious. She don't snap for the poop, or the tantrums, she snaped by something very specific the sexual impulses in the Yukkuri.

    This has already been discussed in the comments sections of the original posted series. Piko is just your typical sheltered teen whose rosy-tinted views on yukkuri had just been shattered with this act of "betrayal".

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  • What I like best about your art is how we can see your improvement by leaps and bounds. This may sound funny, but drawing more yukkuri may actually have unlocked the your artistic talents to be considered one of the top artists whose work can be found in OYP.

    poweryoga said:
    That's quite a compliment to be compared to kiri.


    AbyuseAddict said:

    I think the key is the eyeball. Every artist has their own way to draw yukkuris' eyes. I just need to find out mine.

    Interesting observation that could be applied on "anime style" character design in general: even if they body types, hair/accessories/clothes/etc. are drawn identically, you can differentiate artists by the way the eyes are drawn, which are distinct from artist to artist. (Which, in a way, is why most Western artists' take on manga style tends to look "not right").

    In yukkuri's artworks, the focus on expressive eyes may even be more important since after all a yukkuri is basically just a head.

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