One Yukkuri Place



JusticeItEasy said:
Or she's like any yukkuri and truly thought that baseless and delusional bravado of "family bonds" suddenly made them invulnerable until reality proves that wrong, yet again.

Quite possible, and that's my primary theory. The only thing against it is her reaction in post #50163.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Afte reading the original we can say that, without being scum, Trash or Shitheads, the poor fellas were able to trigger so many death flags it's not even funny or fair, like triggering every trap ever and expecting a good outcome from that.

    What original are you talking about?

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  • Ah good, he hasn't decided to reduce the number of yukkuri. Since we hadn't seen them all at the same time since the that one panel, I thought he might have decided to cut it down to a smaller number.

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  • Thanks kar89k... this Marisa really is ridiculous.

    I like how this comic has such a variety in the ways the yukkuri respond to the situation. I'm finding myself more interested in seeing what each yukkuri will do than in what the human will do to it. (Although burying that one yukkuri was pretty interesting.)

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  • Trololo said:
    She's trying to keep her children happy even if she is not exactly happy herself.

    Perfect illustration of a well-intentioned but woefully incompetent mom.

    Given that they're all doomed, this might even be the best "strategy" available to them. They can't survive, but they can try to stay happy to the end.

    I'm unconvinced that the Reimu realizes this, since true stupidity is an equally good explanation for her optimistic words, and so far she has given little evidence of intelligence. On the other hand, her attitude to her children in the previous panel is much different than the fear and shock she showed when she first realized a human was present, so she may indeed be putting on a brave face.

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  • To satisfy my own curiosity until a translation is up, I tried to figure out what this said. I didn't succeed, but here are my guesses, which may be of temporary use to anyone similarly impatient:

    1. "Mwommie is no longer Marisha's mwommie!" <Something about letting cute Marisas die without helping>.

    2. Marisa decides he's now switching to Mr. Human's side (lol, you can do that?).
    "Mishter human! Mishter human! Marisa is mishter human's apprentice (?) je! It's decided je! [...] Marisha is mishter human's ally!"

    3. The human seems to reject this. "[...] Don't get the wrong idea. I'm going to destroy you."

    4. Marisa complains about his hat being taken. "That'sh Marisha's cool hat! Give it back je! Right now is fine je? [...]"

    5. No idea what the human says.

    6. "Marisha's hat! Give it baaack! I was apprenticed to mister human (???) je. I'm mishter human's allyyyy!!!"

    7. Still no idea what the human says.

    8. "Marisha has gained wingsh no je!"

    9. "I undershtand! Mishter human was <???>ing Marisa! Showwy for being upset!"
    Marisa has convinced himself that Mr. Human's actions have some benign purpose, but infuriatingly I can't understand what he's saying. I'm dying to find out what ridiculous explanation this Marisa could possibly believe.

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  • poweryoga said:

    @TakeItSlow: The artist you linked quit drawing yukkuris because people were editing her pictures into violent variants. I do NOT want us to condone those sort of pictures.

    Given the history of kiri's drawings, I don't know if editing it into family_friendly is the right thing to do.

    Yikes! I certainly wouldn't want an artist to cease making drawings over something like this.

    Would it be reasonable to say, "It's alright if the original artist says he's/she's okay with it?"

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  • zidana123:

    It's true that there were flames on this subject a long time ago. There were also flames between anti-abuse and pro-abuse factions in general. In my opinion, the flames on edits were clearly just an aspect of that larger conflict: the fact that the work was edited wasn't the real issue, but rather the conflict between pro- and anti-abuse. Since posts of those kinds are currently disallowed, I do not think that problem would happen today.

    For that reason, I believe you are incorrect that this would represent a first step along any kind of slope.

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  • zidana123 said:
    Is that kind of flame war the kind of thing you want to invite back to the site?

    But no one has flamed anyone over this page, only expressed worry that other people might, or that some other hypothetical edit in the future will be problematic even if this one isn't.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Yeah, this is the paralel of grabbing a FF pic and make it an abyuse one, which isn't a good thing

    What's wrong with that? The site houses both. So long as they're both properly tagged and don't end up in the same pool, it makes no sense to have a problem with it.

    If this is a problem, then why is post #385 still up after 3 years?

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  • zidana123 said:
    True Happiness Anon ripped it off. XD

    I know, but in the context of this version (where he never shows up and they don't live in Yukkuri Park), that remark seems to come out of nowhere.

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  • yukkuriking said:
    I'm a nice guy so I'll let it slide and then raise them like humans, you know see if I can breake them of ther natural insticts and make them act and think like humans, what a great experiment that would be

    My Fair Lady: Yukkuri Edition!

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  • I don't understand what this is supposed to be. Clearly it's not water, but why are there hash marks (and why is it so much hotter than the surrounding ground)? Surely there isn't a cooking grill buried in the ground in the middle of a desert?

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