One Yukkuri Place



ukshadow said:
I don't know if you guys noticed, but that's an awful amount of orange juice looking fluid coming out.

The voices tell me that new reimu is destined to suffer forever.

Either way, more entertainment for us.

...Yeah, I don't care any more. If their existence is for suffering, might as well be creative.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Kirishima's works hadn't been translated for a while, makes me wonder if the translators find them boring or his trolling tendencies tired the translators?

    It doesn't help that his handwriting is terrible and hard to make out.

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  • YukkurisMustDie said:
    Is this family friendly if a yukkuri is crying?

    I thought to be family friendly, the pic has to be nicer than a disney movie.

    Disney movies shouldn't even count as family friendly based on the FF crowd's criteria.

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  • forone said:
    I can't understand

    And you'll never will.

    ...Okay, in all seriousness, this is part of a pool--two, technically, both different storylines that merged at this point of time into an awe-inspiring crossover. Good times, good times.

    Start at the very beginning, and read these chansketch series. I highly recommend it.

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  • forone said:
    It's maybe not a new pet.

    It was originally the present for maris take the gold badge

    but marisa can't keep his promise with master

    so master get marisa out of home and just alice was remained

    Thanks for explaining something that's common knowledge already OVER 2 YEARS AGO.

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  • To the poster of this picture: Have you asked permission from the author to repost this here? I'm not too sure, but I seem to remember Sixten mention that he would rather not want his work reposted anywhere without his consent.

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