One Yukkuri Place



Pun_Master said:

I feel that the normal Reimus are just taking care of the ko-bodied so they can abyuse them later ?

Nah, it's the natural instinct of Reimu-types to be very maternal. They're not koyukkuri any more, so they tend to grow out of that selfish phase. Plus, they had it rough with their parents, which is why they didn't like them at first... but probably after hearing them cry at night, that maternal instinct kicked in, and they started taking care of them, as if they were their own children.

Plenty of stories on here of Reimu-types adopting other kos.

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  • MTMoose said:

    We're talking a big.g story here, there IS no optimism. :P

    I know~ I know~ I just like to try. And don't forget Big.G's trademark: they're all dead by the end of the story.

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  • MTMoose said:
    Chen refused to eat the food the anon gave her, but at the same time anon doesn't give much of a shit about her to begin with. Maybe the friend realized this Chen was kind of a selfish shithead and pawned her off to keep the good ones.

    Hitosura said:

    If you were with your family, loved, and taken care of, then suddenly dropped somewhere by yourself, unloved, and mostly forgotten, you'd probably be a bit disillusioned, too.

    While it's possible this Chen was selfish, it's also equally-likely that she was just used to her old lifestyle. Koyukkuri get spoiled pretty easily, and can get unspoiled pretty easily.

    Also, maybe anon's friend thought they were lonely and needed a new pal? :P C'mon, always such pessimism~

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  • #1. What's with the bushy-tailed Chens? x3

    #2. I dunno, I feel anon is mistaking, 'spoiled,' for, 'loved.'
    If you were with your family, loved, and taken care of, then suddenly dropped somewhere by yourself, unloved, and mostly forgotten, you'd probably be a bit disillusioned, too.

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  • Vorsch said:

    Bumping this to let you guys know the whole series has been translated.


    Man, you went and cleaned up all three parts, huh? Props to you. I -really- like this series. Wish this artist would do more.

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  • exitstrategy said:

    An abuse fest can be fun too if done well. Having a story with an angle is nice, but that takes a lot work.

    You're telling me? Took me about two months to finish the chapter I was just working on. There's a LOT there, but still.

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  • uneasy said:

    The question is whether we're in for another semi-heartwarming session of yukkuri parenting and reconciliation before it's all rendered moot by their gruesome deaths, or if the kids will do us the favour of shutting up Maricha quickly.

    The trademark of Takumi abyuse comics.

    I swear, ever since True Happiness, it's a staple of these types of stories.

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  • This'll be the part I get off.

    This looks like the spot where things will start getting cringe-worthy.

    You can tell it's gonna get really bad by the level of easiness and sparkles that decorated the previous pages.

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