One Yukkuri Place



danogoat said:
fork over the sauce sauce!

For the non-OYP doujins, I recognize the ones by Bomber Grape and Do-Desho (aka. Porurin).

Even then, none of these collages makes sense, unless the poster's intention was to show off their l33t photoshopping sk33lz. In which case they failed utterly.

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  • moi86 said:
    lol douchbaggery at its best, do people seriously mock children cleaning at restaurants or something of similar nature? I have never seen it happen

    Did you just compare children to garbage that had no right existing in the first place?

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  • zidana123 said:
    Gotta agree with that. Also the part with little Marisa breaking her teeth on the weeds at the beginning.

    In hindsight, that was the first clue telegraphing the reader there is something "different" about this family.

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  • zidana123 said:
    For me, this begs the question: Is the poo poo of a suffering yukkuri also made sweeter?

    This is pretty much commonly accepted fanon now.

    The more negative emotion and suffering a yukkuri experiences, the sweeter their filling gets. Conversely, the more "easy" and content a yukkuri feels, the more boring and tasteless they are.

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  • Trololo said:
    Do you think that if we said it was sweet sweet, she'd munch munch, if you know what I mean?

    It's going to hurt-hurt if she was going to munch-munch on that. Now, if it was to suck-suck...

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  • zidana123 said:

    The 'maybe this is a third world country' thing doesn't hold any water with the already-established state of the neighborhood. If it -is- a third world country then it's obviously an affluent and well-to-do portion of the country.

    You'd be surprised on the places you can find even in the most "affluent and well-to-do portions" of any given country, third world or otherwise.

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  • zidana123 said:
    I was born in China. Even in third world countries, people have standards. There might be a puddle of vomit outside the restaurant, in the street. There might even be a pile of human poo. But there wouldn't be vomit INSIDE the restaurant, because any restaurant owner worth their salt anywhere would INSTANTLY clean that up.

    You mistook me for poweryoga. I never referred to china at all.

    And yes, these terrible, terrible places DO exist. Maybe not for long, but they are around, if you know where to look. Not that anyone in their right mind would WANT to, mind you...

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  • zidana123 said:

    Trolls sometimes post an intentional logical fallacy to get people to explain why there is a logical fallacy.

    Yukiyuzen posted an intentional logical fallacy by claiming that translating this picture was 'feeding the troll.' Three people then appeared to tell him that translating the picture wasn't 'feeding the troll' and explained why.

    Guys. We've been trolled.

    Masterful troll, Yukiyuzen. 10/10.

    There's a reason why wall_of_posts exists. Guess who's the most common poster in all of them.

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  • poweryoga said:
    What about the city? It's not exactly a model for sanitation and china standards...

    Still has higher standards than certain other third world countries.

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  • zidana123 said:
    What the fuck is wrong with this restaurant owner. Seriously. The inside of his restaurant apparently smells worse than the garbage in the alley outside, and he's pissed off at yukkuris knocking over a few trash bins?

    How the hell does he get customers? Where's this restaurant located? Who the hell would come to eat here when his restaurant is in such a state?

    Nothing makes sense goddamnit

    I take it you've never been to a third world country. Or believe that these sort of conditions don't exist in your world.

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  • Salem said:
    Somewhere blazing hot with disco light, pots and not so virgin girls ?

    I see what you did there.

    JusticeItEasy said:
    Nope, let's just say that the place is very deep, dark, cold and have him chained up to the point that only part of his spirit in a smoke like ghost form can leave, not a very nice place, but well, he deserves it.

    You just compared the Prince of Darkness to a waste of life magic. Don't you realize what you've done?

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