One Yukkuri Place



poweryoga said:

survival of the fittest in nature. The biggest and strongest shithead often are the alpha/pack leads of the clan precisely because they can eat and kill their way to the top, especially true for gutter trash yukkuris in the city where food is plentiful but the competition is fierce.

Or the smartest. It's possible Reimu got lucky by hanging back and attacking the weakest, while the rest eliminated each other.

Didact04 said:

I find it amusing that Patchouli is saying how evil and horrible humans are.

Maybe humans aren't so great here, but the yukkuri don't exactly have the moral high ground. These babies are committing blatant murder for an empty promise of free food and board. That's pretty fucked up.

They're children and don't really know any better. Instinctively, they know what sweet-sweets and a pet yukkuri are. It's, essentially to them, the promise of heaven. Possible religious reference there.

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  • Doesn't stop kids from trying to get them. The supposed setting for most of these comics is Japan, and I thought weapons like this were illegal. But, like I said, it isn't as if it's impossible to acquire something like it.

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  • Thank you for the easy translations!

    I think this would have been interesting if allowed to continue.

    "... there is no such thing as surviving."

    Unless you're a Remilia.

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  • This all always seems so excessive to me.

    Just mix them all down with water. Seriously. All this 'precise' work, for what? To break them down into a mix and bake them into cookies?

    Maintenance on Factory sites must be murder with all these precise parts/steps.

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  • This artist makes heavy use of environmental coloring in order to strike emotions in the reader. They're not being heated, they're being crushed, it's just supposed to strike a sense of dread in you, especially after that Marisa admitted her secret of wanting to be a mother to an Alice. So let's just take a random raper Alice (I thought this part was stupid and excessive) rape Marisa, then crush her.

    Because abyuse. And Factory.

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  • Artistical said:

    That Marisa is way beyond the mountains of madness. I wonder if what they injected her with was OJ or something stronger. Would make for an interesting precedent that OJ delays the results of insanity/anti-yukkuritis

    I would assume whatever they injected her with was something that could convert her filling to sourness. When a yukkuri panics, their paste becomes sweet. When they're calm, their filling becomes sour. Perhaps that was the affect of the concoction?

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  • poweryoga said:

    @Salem: I would love to read some sort of stories about that. One of my favorite genres in yukkuri stories is applying yukkuris to our real world, seeing how they interact with our laws, regulations, people and cultures.

    Sorry it's taking me so long on the new chapter (speaking of!). xD

    poweryoga said:

    I somewhat disagree with the cost to keep a yukkuri alive. They survive on simple sugar and don't have any special dietary needs, and depending on the fanfic they might be omnivores that eat everything from garbage/raw sewage to other small animals with no issues. It should be dirt cheap to keep yukkuris alive, and wouldn't cost more than say regular animals. Obviously you want to take good care of the silver/gold badges at your store and pamper them a bit, but keep in mind these yus in the story are clearance sale yus at 10 yen each. Obviously something's already gone terribly wrong with them and the shopkeeper has already written them off as losses.

    Also yukkuri in most established fan-verse breed in massive amounts (as a survival mechanism to cope with their own fragility) and with some Alices, it'd be trivially cheap to breed batches.

    On this, here's the thing: yukkuri that are well-fed sweets and pampered are rounded, versus not-so-healthy, which can be ovular or flat.

    Even if they can eat sugar-coated trash, #1: Someone has to buy the sugar and transport it, and #2: Someone has to pick up, transport, and store the trash.

    Saw a whole documentary about how the US wastes 40% of it's food. Sure, they could donate it all away, but that's the same issue: transportation, storage, will, incentive. Currently, there's none of those. Tons of food goes to the scrap heap every single year, because they don't meet our 'standard' in selling. The documentary was about a family that -literally survived six months- off of going through supermarket dumpsters and collecting the food they threw out because of the 'sell by' date. Seriously. Refrigerators full of food.


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  • Didact04 said:

    Wow, what a display.

    I know I would feel sorry for miserable little things begging to be bought while weeping constantly. Sheesh...dirty sales tactics.

    Not really a dirty sales tactic. In most fanon, they make unsold pets aware of the fate that is in store for them if they're not purchased.

    I dunno if you're old enough to know about that whole time in our unsung history when pet stores used to do this sort of thing to unsold pets, until animal activists really started making the public aware of such mistreatment of animals and the dangers of overbreeding. It's why they advise the public to adopt instead of purchase, because of how they tend to overbreed pet store pets, then put them to sleep if they're not sold.

    I don't get it, though. If they get older, they just... get older. It's not as if they turn disgusting when they get older. A yukkuri at any age can be a good companion -- young, for their energy and playfulness. Adolescent, for their curiosity and friendship. Adult, for their companionship. All age levels have their pros and cons.

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  • I like the contrast, but think it illustrates part of the problem with the story in the fanon -- it's either nice miss/mister (and the yus will probably become shithead), or abyuse addict.

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  • I think the fatal flaw of the yuniverse is the entire concept of overbreeding them. Like, at one point or another, it's costing more to breed and care for them, than it is to process them into (mostly mediocre, as I'd assume from other stories) food.

    Back on topic: how could the pet shop owner expect them to be easy after watching that video? I mean, they couldn't have -at least- spared the Marisa spokesyu?

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