One Yukkuri Place



Trololo said:
Those squiggles doesn't look much like poop, does it?

I guess you could say Ayazou can't draw shit.

I see what you did there.

Though I think your comment is full of crap.

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  • poweryoga said:
    but I don't think he ever posted his stuff on 2ch anyways, it was someone else doing it wasn't it?

    Of course he doesn't post his stuff on 2ch. He can't post if he was banned there.

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  • PathOfAbuse said:
    Seiga says rotting yukkuri are cute
    Seiga calls anon cute at the end of the story
    By being attracted to Seiga, anon has become equal to a rotting yukkuri? or am I reading to much into this?


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  • PathOfAbuse said:
    Why would their accessories be missing though? I think an plot twist is in order

    I'm more curious of the fact that the momma deibu can recognize yukkuri without accessories.

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  • FunkSoulBrother said:
    A PC-98 Reimu, how rare.

    SHINOBI said:
    PC-98 Reimu has a purple hime-cut hair not the accessory.

    It's clearly Purple Reimu, in a cameo role: post #36738

    JusticeItEasy said:
    Either the Koreimu joins them in their daily misery or somehow this will be the beginning of better times for this yu's.

    The fact that she's already thinking that she's entitled to Mister Munch-Munch already damns her in my eyes.

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  • poweryoga said:
    I have no idea what you people are talking about, but i'm assuming it has nothing to do with yukkuris or a naked flandre.

    Consider yourself lucky not having to put up with the fandom.

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  • zidana123 said:
    Oh, fucking hell. I just now realized that there's already higher resolution Japanese versions of all of these, with translation notes already in place.


    And to everyone that's about to say "But Zidana, it says all of that right there in the Pool Notes!", I found one of the pages using the Random button and figured they were untranslated, okay? D:

    Moral of the story: learn to check the notes and use the search function.

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