One Yukkuri Place



exitstrategy said:

I wouldn't mind seeing an FF story from Takumi. It would be nice to not see those sparkles end in splatter for once. Still, it is his story and he can smash if he wants to.


Probably feeding them some kind of mutation drug or poison. :/

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  • Goldeneye said:

    As I would think on my side of the story, the wasa tries to be nice, and then this happens. I would really want to kill a Dosu with a M249 right now.

    She wasn't a good wasa. She wasn't trying to be nice. What you see is her dying and seeing the false world her mind created. She was never a good kid -- she was a spoiled brat that wanted everything for herself. She tried to kill her sister. She tried to find a human to take her in so she could supposedly eat sweet-sweets.

    While I'm not one to simply say, "you deserve to die," this one deserves whatever happens to it. I'd have rather her lived and maybe found out how selfish she really was, but the story has to end sometime.

    Let's remember: she's already growing mold because she doesn't clean up her poo-poo and pee-pee.

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  • It's not -really- cruelty. Her owner has -explicitly- told her not to have babies and not to refresh, especially with strays.

    This is the consequence of poor decision-making.

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  • yonzo said:

    imagine a yukkuri okuu that can emit microwave radiation instead of gamma ray. that'll be cute af

    I believe that's what this one did to the Marisa in earlier frames.

    What this appears to be is a, 'meanwhile on the other side of the room.' Remember that Okuu there killed all of the original family EXCEPT the Reimu mother. She's the only one left, and unzombified, so now they're all coming for her.

    I'm sure something's gonna connect the two points. We'll have to wait and see.

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  • Is that Reimu actually alive with her children living in her body like that? Seems weird that her bean paste doesn't leak out and she dies.

    Seems an odd new mutation. This Reimu would have to be rather large, compared to the average. I once saw something about a clan of yukkuri who hollowed out a dead(?) dosu and made a big home out of her body.

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  • saline said:

    yukkuri do tend to be prideful pieces of shit in general though


    That's because bodied do better in the wild than normal yukkuri, so they believe they're better.

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  • So, it didn't go -exactly- how I figured, but mostly. The bodied yukkuri are pretty f'd.

    Srsly, he scooped them up off the street, and somehow believes they'll learn to be pet yukkuri overnight. Right.

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  • Well, without color, it could be anything. After all, they're all VERY small, and small yukkuri have weak teeth, therefore the food has to be soft and easy for them to chew.

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  • I'd be surprised if the zombies came back and munched them.

    Like I said, Takumi often doesn't use the same plot mechanics twice. They might come and scare off the yus, and the next adventure begins.

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  • Seems unlikely.

    Takumi doesn't typically move backwards in his stories. When he moves to the next 'part' of a story, it typically keeps going in that direction.

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  • These are 'house yus.' As a Sanae house yu, that is indeed a first of it's kind.

    As for house yu, no, house yu tend to be mostly be born from eggs. House yus are just supposed to be an allegory for humanoid roaches.

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  • I always thought this artist was extraordinary with how cute they draw yukkuri. Shame almost all the stories they draw are abyuse. It's just sketch art like this that are so adorable.

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