One Yukkuri Place



Didact04 said:
I want some Aki sister yukkuri. They're great. Also makes your gardens go especially well.

I wonder if they work well with Yuukas and Nitoris?

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  • Well, the order is semi-important due to who is going to be present during each thing.

    This is going to have a natural progression, where my character starts out with no yukkuri, and helping some strays who live on his property, to having a full-fledged yukkuri adoption agency/breeding/training business, and owns patents on training methods/technology that help owners with their yukkuri.

    In other words, the story starts small, yet changes the entire world. <3

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  • Newbice said:
    I think that goes for everybody, no matter what muse that is. I'm not sure by what you mean "like him." People like artists? The source of one inspiration is not infinite. Some more enduring than others.

    The difference between someone who stops and someone who keeps going is that if one inspiration ends, another begins. Kiri is still probably drawing though, but not about yukkuris.

    I wasn't implying that Kiri suddenly crawled into a cave and sealed himself within.

    I'm saying that people who tend to be driven by some form of inspiration tend to quit it once said inspiration is lost.

    That doesn't mean they quit the entire art all together; it just means they may shift to another form of art, depending on the muse, or even move on to a different type of art (music, craft, etc.).

    Or maybe real life overtook his hobby of art.

    Who knows?

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  • mad_hatter said:
    As far as the PetSmart example, it's still valid relative to capabilities. Nobody would expect to go to a pet store and buy a talking cat, but they might expect one that's litter-trained. And with yus, it's unreasonable to expect them to understand machinery but reasonable to understand their circumstances and the role of human dependency.

    Cats, believe it or not, are pretty much pre-disposed to seek 'scratch' areas to poop. I adopted two adolescent cats who were never owned (couldn't have been -- they were less than a year old). I got them a litter box that we kept in our backyard, and they'd use it when they had to go.

    I know that some knowledge for yukkuri is predisposed, such as The Factory. All yukkuri know to avoid it, but most don't know what it is.

    I suppose it's possible that, if the parent was a stray, that the parent could pass on the knowledge of said food to their children. The ko could want it, could know what it tastes like, but has no idea what it actually is.

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  • Newbice said:
    I find inspiration from things I criticize as well. Though they never find completion or meet paper (chronic daydreamer syndrome. lol). Good luck on you stuff, though. I'm finding most stuff to be the same things over and over lately. It would be nice to have something other than pet yukkuri abuse, though I don't really have anything against it(I'm more a fan of light bullying, cause it's so cute <3)

    I don't mind light bullying/teasing. I wrestle with my dog all the time. It's how we play. She doesn't get hurt, but we roll around and stuff.

    A lot of what I'm doing right now is simple expanding and deciding on the order of events. I'll give you a sample of what's planned:

    Prologue: Meets yu family next to house, slowly befriends, Reimu is ex-pet, mistrusting of humans. KoReimu has mold problem. Befriends Marisa parent by saving KoReimu from mold (I'm hella-good with an Xact-0 Knife). Reimu opens up to anon, tells story of being pet. They disappear (99.9% chance they're dead)
    Ch1: Meets a stray Marisa who has spare hat being bullied by human. Breaks it up. Learns Marisa's past. Takes her home, insisting not as pet. Get to know each other. Meets another family with only Reimu mother.
    Ch2: Finds family with single mother beaten and squished. Takes them home and salvages. Finds dead Nitori mother carrying stalk in storm drain. Takes stalk, matures it, but has to remove first two buds in order to save third. Now has KoNitori.

    Still deciding on order:
    Meets yu clan, moves them into backyard to avoid mass extermination
    Works with clan leader (Patchy) to set up farm in backyard and building small house structures for clan
    Scum treatment/adoption pt.1
    Adopts a stray KoFlan
    First Marisa becomes bodied
    KoFlan is adopted by Marisa as child.
    (not Ko)Flan becomes bodied.
    Flan urges anon to let her adopt a Meiling
    Some clan yukkuri want to move into his house; tells them about being pet yukkuri; does research, becomes official proctor, begins having MommyReimu help teach clan yukkuri who wish to become pet yukkuri, including his own lessons
    Learns of flaws in badge system, comes up with own sets of ideas, including RFI
    RFI + scum behavior research thickens. Catches attention of "Factory" CEO, or possible majority shareholder of sorts.
    Constant meetings of them, discussing all sorts of things
    Gets into contact with adoption agencies. Gets notified of rare yukkuri put up for adoption.
    Converts house to yukkuri adoption center, expands to kennels, and even rents out rooms to bodied yukkuri for other anons to drop off
    501-C(4) (non-profit)
    "Password" system
    Profiles pet yukkuri to help adoption streamline
    Adopts Satori and Sanae
    Brings dosu to clan

    Seriously. I have a LOT of material, I just need to decide on order, as I don't want it to get too cluttered.

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  • mad_hatter said:
    Why would they teach them to view humans as surrogate parents rather than owners? They both imply a duty for the yukkuri's welfare, but the one presumes a closeness that may never develop. Since even newborn yus know humans aren't their parents, there's no need to pretend humans are anything more than caretakers. I'd feel bad for niceheads that were taught that and bought by abyusers.

    Anyway, I doubt that the average yukkuri store would train their yus any more than PetSmart trains their puppies.

    Puppies only view humans as other dogs. Cats view humans as big, dumb cats who give them food.

    Yukkuri are much more cognitive than the average animal -- explaining the role of a human can easily make a yukkuri view them as their 'slave.'

    On that note, you DO understand that if there is a general applied principle of knowledge based on genetics, how would a yukkuri know what a slave was unless, at one point or another, the idea was introduced to them? If you were never taught slavery in a school, how would you know what a slave is? :3

    Gitamii said:
    A piece of discarded candy in the gutter is a perfectly valid situation for yukkuris to stick their bread head in and a good way to get rid of a character the author doesn't want to deal with.

    I know. I just don't like 'convenient' plot mechanics. xD When they pass that point of convenience, it pulls from the overall story.

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  • Newbice said:

    I can admit maybe 3-4 of his anons are like that. Although in Between Studies I almost swear he was on the yukkuri's side. I think Kiri is both a masochist and a sadist. He CAN empathize with yukkuris, at the same time he can be jealous of them.

    Either way, his yukkuris end up dead. Like in his New Year story, he shows the simple sadness of two orphan yukkuris dying cold and alone. No torture, no sadism. Just straight up loneliness. In Kiri, I recognize a sad individual.

    Often, people express their inner thoughts and feelings through their writings and drawings.

    There's a reason people like him suddenly stop: those feelings are confronted, dissipated, and thus, the person loses the muse that drove their inspiration.

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  • Merciless_Anony said:
    Now now, you are selling Kiri too short. His story can be creative and jaw dropping as well. Between study and Shell anyone?

    Just not in a positive way.

    Always seems like the human is just a dick who likes to pick on things smaller than them because they can.

    Kiri seems to think very little of humans.

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  • Newbice said:
    Not at all. I've been reading your comments here and there, and I'm not surprise that's the kind of thing you'll write.

    I'm kind of a strategic person. I learn the behavioral patterns of animals and humans alike. I can almost always tell you the next two or three things someone is going to do just before they do it.

    I've been drawing up a long story in my head -- different chapters, different studies, and the ever-expanding family of yukkuri my anon will have. I don't plan on focusing on any kind of abyuse, just different means of studying/raising yukkuri in a docile, mostly unsupervised environment. It'll eventually build up to a full-on yukkuri ranch/adoption agency/kennel service. Going on a business trip? Feel free to drop them off. Can't make it? We can send someone! Or just ship them over in one of our little packages! Bodied yukkuri? No problem! We have rooms for rent.

    I have ideas to change much of how the 'simplistic' current system works, and correct many of its errors. Even thought of having a CEO figure of The Factory meet with my anon, and both of them exchange research.

    The more of the depressing stories I read on here, the more inspiration I have for the anon to become the human dosu. x3

    Even thought of a hilarious running gag where the first yukkuri he adopts is a Marisa, then they get a baby ko, and the Marisa introduces herself as the daddy, and anon as the mommy (even though male) simply because yukkuri don't gender-identify based on genetalia -- they identify on who actually births the children.

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  • KillAllYukkuris said:

    She run away from home even though she had a good life.
    She treated her first husband like shit.
    She most likely discriminated against her marisa kids.
    She turned back and run away while her second husband died.
    She called her owner slave and talked shit to him.

    Will these be enough?

    Pet yukkuri don't know what stray life is.
    Her first husband was sterile. Yukkuri are genetically inclined to have children, as much as any other animal.
    She didn't discriminate, she just wanted to have a Reimu child, and was upset that all the children were Marisa. There was no information if she was actually mistreating the children, though.
    She didn't have much of a choice. Exactly how is a small bread head supposed to get her husband out? Let alone, what a dumb Deus Ex Machina situation that just springs up so we can have an excuse to hate her more.
    So do all yukkuri who come from the same shitty pet store that all of Big G's anons go to. Seriously, they train their yukkuri completely wrong. Instead of teaching them to view the human as their surrogate parent, the yukkuri mistake them for a slave.

    No. That's not enough to punish someone with death. Even if it's a yukkuri. Karma doesn't punish death, it just evens the score. :3

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  • Kiri was downright sinister, though his stories got awfully repetitive. You could draw the same steps each time:

    Insert yukkuri. They find mister easy place. They find lots of mister food. Easy living. Kids all live happily. Happy mom. Happy dad. Singing. Eating.

    Then comes Mister Human, who kills them all mericlessly.

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  • Pet yukkuri training involves making sure they can learn to live without their mister accessory for a while.

    It could be abyuse, or it could be part of the training. Without any other information, there's no way to tell.

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  • Probably were serving them powdered sugar.

    Direct sugar can alter the way they taste food. It was probably all part of the plan -- make them addicted to straight-sugar so regular food tastes like poison.

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  • I'm happy to see that yukkuri can actually get a little justice in their lives now and then.

    And yes, I agree with Dosu -- that this is the real ending, and the other is the 'what-if' ending. I like to see justice served like this -- while I think the part with Marisa was nonsense (Deus Ex Machina much?), I still like to see that, after all their hardships, all their abyuse, all their pulling together in hopes of a better life, and all the fighting to keep together in the face of such adversity, they reach the promised land.

    Nothing wrong with a hard life giving a rich reward.

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  • This yukkuri has no idea of the situation its in. Every time she sees the mister human come in, she gets beat, buttplugged, and is forced to clean the store.

    What do you THINK her reaction is going to be?

    Anyway, funny how yukkuri seem to bring about instant karma -- the guy beats and tortures them, aaaaand he loses his restaurant.

    Here's hoping the yukkuri find an easy place.

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  • Yeah, this is another one of those roundabout logic points -- Marisa is trying to be kind by giving her little sister more food, ergo imitating her mother, and Reimu sees the excess food as the source of her pain and torture, so she views Marisa as the source of her suffering from some kind of maliciousness.

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