One Yukkuri Place



JusticeItEasy said:
Yes but there are also many forest yu's that come to the cities believing they would have the grand life and stuff, like some sort of extra parodical take of the typical "country bump moving to the city thinking they would become a tycoon in a few years." and they also stubbornly remain in the city instead of going back to the forest.

tl;dr - The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

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  • yukkuriking said:
    well as shown in house-yu stories it has been shown that he it one of those guys that get some sick satisfaction from just abuseing seeing as the main character actually getting two pet yukkuri after a home invation

    Before commenting in OYP again, kindly read Between Studies: pool #124. It's a good story.

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  • poweryoga said:
    seems like one of the earlier works? Sanaeaki can't be working on 2 stories at once...?

    It's an earlier work that's only uploaded now, as was stated in a previous post.

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  • poweryoga said:
    I don't really mind the necroing tbh. Some new guys can find something they really like and want to post about it. Not always a bad thing... but when its done constantly it does get annoying. But such is the internets so lets keep an open mind about it. If its just a troll post then let me know and I'll delete. Responding to the necro makes it hard to go through and determine whether its a valid bump or just trolling.

    It's clearly just another overenthusiastic newcomer to OYP though. We get those once every other week.

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  • YukkurisMustDie said:

    A FF Kiriraitaa doujin is a fate worse than death.

    Hopefully she has a brother at home who will be the abyuser.

    I'm still holding out that her brother IS the Between Studies anon. Note the timeframe would make sense, assuming Onii-chan kept his "discovery" a secret from his sister.

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  • Burnout said:
    Maybe it's a reference to Yun Donuts, and that scene in the Gold Badge Marisa story- The one where Pon Lion makes the little Reimu EXPLODE.

    Donuts kill yukkuri dead, man.

    Then it's parody (if it's a shout out to the original) or crossover (if there's a direct relationship with the original). meta would mean this has something to do with RL.

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  • JojoBizarro said:
    Why do people keep saying “melt” when they mean “dissolve”? Yukkuris dissolve in water. Melting is when a solid is heated to a liquid state.

    It's a quirk from translating the original source, which everyone has been using ever since, even if the meaning isn't exactly accurate.

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