One Yukkuri Place



Seriously. There's no sign that anyone in this family is scum. They're all tightly-knit and loyal. Even in the worst of situations, they've tried to make the most of it.

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  • You should know by now that most yukkuri don't read too deeply into things. In their mind, the only moment that exists is right now, and the only thing they have to worry about is food and easiness.

    Note that doesn't apply to all -- but she's a mother, and her most-important duty is to her children.

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  • I give a moment of silence to the poor little one, who could never truly find any peace in this world. Only in death can she find her easiness.

    Rest now, child. Your journey has ended.

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  • Be nice.

    That child was the only survivor of the crow attack.

    Mister Human decided to take her in back to the original Marisa parent, and Marisa raised her as if she was her own child.

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  • Newbice said:
    I often notice no matter how old the work, the yuniverse these yukkuri stories act like yukkuris have only been around for a few years maybe a decade at most. :/ people are still often clueless about them in a story. There are no yukkuri-right groups, no YouTube culture, no research behavioral/biological centers, no international yukkuri breeders association, etc... All of which would make the average person more informed of yukkuris.

    Is it odd that this is partly what I plan to base my story on?

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  • A Reimu like this seems more natural in an open environment. She was a bad pet, but not that bad of a yukkuri.

    It's like some animals: they're better out in the open than confined in a house as someone's pet.

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  • I don't even understand houses that have entire walls made of glass. It's one thing to have an elevated window, it's another to have an entire pane made of glass.

    Seriously, who designs these houses? I know it's 'plot mechanics,' but really.

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  • Didact04 said:
    Would not buy OJ in a yukkuri-inhabited world. Imagine the extremes businesses could get away with inflating the prices to with such a high demand for it. Even sugar's price would inflate dramatically.

    Not worth it. Especially not garbage bin yukkuri like this.

    It could be worse for them, but only marginally. Marginally. On the flip side, anon still has some room to flex his creativity if he wanted to. WHich, evidently, he does not. Because he shoved them in a box and dumps vegetable scraps in it sometimes.

    Marginally? You call being dead marginally better? Having to worry about starvation? They get to sleep all day.

    Also, I disagree on the OJ thing. Maybe in Japan, where most of these stories take place, it's expensive.

    I live in a place that does a lot of exporting of OJ. :P It's pretty cheap around here.

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  • You know, this could all simply result of poor training on the part of the pet shop.

    Look at the common denominator on all three: thinks mister is a slave.

    That's 4/4 yukkuri this guy has bought from the store (likely the same one) who have all turned on him.

    Or it could be the fact that he DOES spoil them tremendously.

    Anyway, this leads to the final part, where he finds her all beat-up and preggers.

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  • Remember what the alternative is: stray

    Remember what that entails: starvation, lack of shelter, Mr. Mold, wild animals, other humans, Mr. Mohawk, rain, and other yukkuri.

    At least in there, they have a shelter, bits of food from time-to-time, and safety.

    Obviously, he's feeding them enough to stay alive.

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  • Didact04 said:
    Looking at that larger Marisa, I question this assessment greatly.

    I believe that larger Marisa is just malnourished. A little OJ and a good meal would probably perk her up.

    Like I said, I'd probably give them a second chance, now that they've known what it's like to not be in the good graces of a human.

    Also, I'd never go to that pet store again, since anon is 0/4 so far.

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  • Interesting.

    They seem, at the very least, happy to be alive and get food now and then, and able to just sleep in peace.

    I think I might give one or two of them a second chance, in his position. I'd just keep a close eye on them and not spoil them so much.

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  • There's been a theory passed around that a parent who is uneasy while a stalk is present passes the sweetness to the babies, which results in the babies being less likely to turn scum/shithead.

    These probably would have been very loyal.

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