One Yukkuri Place



You know, this does bring up a good point.

Orange juice heals and lemon/lime juice acts like a sedative, so it appears as though citrus fruits have medicinal effects on yukkuri. So what would other types of citrus fruits do for them if anything new at all?

I've never had grapefruit, but I've heard it can be either bitter or sweet. Either way, with grapefruit being citrus and all, I can't imagine it killing yukkuri.

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  • Blue said:
    However nobody should forget that the real Yuuka Kazami is "a true example of a youkai", (meaning she is overall hostile to all humans and has no problem with eating human flesh) is a sadist, which is almost canon,

    Yeah... no.

    Everything you just listed is fanon and has no basis beyond fan "speculation" (and by speculation I mean random crap people just made up). Yuuka at worst only teases people by whooping their ass in a danmaku match or smacktalking them prematch. That's hardly sadism or people-eating.

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  • Looks like the title actually is: "Yukkuri Western"

    Other than that it does look to be a human-less spaghetti western based yukkuri world/area. I don't even really see much of the normal yukkuri speak/slurring either.

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  • SUN said:
    Cats and yukkuri- both are lazy, annoying, look down on humans, and poop all over the place. Perfect bed mates.

    No, thats a dog you're thinking of. Cause dogs are horrible gross inbred pseudo-animals.


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  • HankySpank said:
    See, I've always compared yukkuri to trash mobs in fantasy games (kobolds, goblins, etc).

    Yeah, but kobolds and goblins are an actual threat to commoners and children. Yukkuri are more like livestock or critters that are there for ambiance and at best only give 1 exp.

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  • Yeah, I honestly see nothing wrong about house-yus. After all they're just small yukkuris, its not like they've grown tank treads made of bacon out of their asses or anything outlandish like that.

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  • I'm not 100% certain, but I think the general idea of the story is that an anon finds a bunch of yukkuri that are deathly afraid of the black asphalt part of roads and the anon then trolls the hell out of them using this premise.

    It would explain why another picture for this anko has a marisa trying to use it's hat as a raft to get off the road.

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  • Yukkuris without mouths?

    So they're basically manjuus that can hop around and stare at you? That would actually be pretty awesome in a creepy nightmare fuel kind of way.

    Also great potential prank fuel.

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  • I like to imagine her purple haired/eyed, no armpit showing classic look is what she'd look like if she ever donned an ex form. After all, she did beat up an archangel looking like that.

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  • Man, this artist really loves his anons to have big giant meat-head chins. This one isn't as bad as the last guy, but seriously, its like all his anons are relatives of Jay Leno or something.

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  • From what I heard and understand the "Sorry for [blank]" is in japanese a phrase of great condescendence.

    It's meant to be taken in a "Sorry I'm so much better than you." kind of way.

    So yeah, unless I'm mistaken about that, its scum from the moment of birth.

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  • My own guess on it being grey is that this herd has a strict no shithead policy and that one isn't actually grey, but its shitty behavior makes it "appear" grey as a kind of literary/theatrical device(? don't remember the proper term, but you know what I mean) to distinguish that they somehow know its a shithead.

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