One Yukkuri Place



I think that was the Marisa having a flash back and seeing the old man who made her the original deal.

Probably linking the old man she made the deal with to this guy.

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  • Well, the idea is to weed out the bad from the good. The bad ones stress out easily by situations like this, and the good ones will just wait it out.

    Let the enemy identify itself.

    Also, necrobump for translation love. <3

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  • boom said:
    Thanks again for uploading this story. I enjoyed it very much.

    ^ Second.

    I could actually foresee the ending. Know what I see?

    Anon slips.

    Look at that tiny edge. Marisa would be okay. Big anon could easily slip and fall.

    Perhaps in his hospital stay, and in his realization of how close he came to dying, he could awaken to all the dirt on his soul.

    Marisa and Reimu could be there, waiting for him, despite it all.

    Would be a good ending. The end of one chapter in anon's life, and the start of another.

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  • Salem said:
    She didn't barge in. With the setup in post #64077, it's very possible that Anon bring the whole family inside while he thinks about the situation.

    The biggest blunder for me is that the author made Marisa say she's taking the house as her easy place.
    Likely it's a cheap shot to make us think Marisa is a shithead because that's shithead's pattern; and then "caught us in surprise" when he revealed Marisa is a real gold badge abandoned for no good reason.

    Now this is not about if Marisa is wrong or not. In my opinion, the Author failed consistency in that detail.

    The declaration conflicted the rest of the character setting.
    While she did ask for food, lets put it aside as ambiguous statement. But there's no mistaking the house declaration.

    Exactly what I said on the last page:

    The author messed up in their consistency to the story. If she's a gold badge, they know not to do home declaration. They know how to talk to Mister Human.

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  • Cataphract said:
    Most anons with extensive knowledge of yukkuris just use them for abyuse toys. That or just get a rare type.

    Remember that this is a Big.G comic, which means it inevitably ends in abyuse.

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  • exitstrategy said:
    Is the reimu dead and hung as a reminder or is this just more punishment?

    From what I can tell, punishment, for crushing Marisa's pride and being mean to her.

    Seriously, it's stuff like this that makes me not want to own a Reimu.

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  • exitstrategy said:
    A cardboard box in a pen, isn't that a bit redundant?

    The pen represents her easy place. The cardboard box is her actual bed. Remember that in nature, yukkuri are supposed to be cave-dwellers and burrowers. When they sleep, they like to be in darkened enclosures.

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  • To be honest, I was hoping it'd work out somehow. Like, maybe the anon wouldn't get over his psychological scar, but would start to see how he was being like his dad, and maybe stop himself before he did something he might regret.

    It's not so much a 'good ending,' as I'd prefer simply choosing life over choosing death. I don't like how these things always end in death.

    Salem said:
    I still think it's the author's miss.
    The part where Marisa is a true gold badge is supposed to a plot twist to shock the readers when they didn't expect it. So he has to make Marisa looks like a shithead at first.

    As for if Reimu is their real mother, from the previous pages, there should be another flashback episode to explain it. But with the image board taking it easy forever, we're left to speculate.

    I can see how that was a plot mechanic. Even still, Marisa shouldn't care much for sweet-sweets, though I could see her being concerned for her childrens' welfare. What good parent isn't?

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  • salvationhope said:
    will She believe reimu said her anon will accept them all but backfire to them why because reimu lie to them she run away home and came back home with no reason plus with stray husband and little one with no permission of owner of anon she break rules and lie to her family.

    Okay, I know this may feel inappropriate, but let me give you a free lesson in English grammar:

    Read all of that out loud to yourself. No, seriously. If you're gasping for air at any point, place a period and break it up into more sentences.

    Plus, there's no evidence to support any of what you said. We don't know if Reimu lied to them. Maybe Reimu thought her owner was actually nice and would be fine with Marisa moving in, that Reimu felt lonely during the day. How do you know Reimu broke any rules? Did Mister Anon tell her not to run away? Reimu is non-badge, which means she doesn't have any knowledge of the outside world, nor did she know that her anon had his trauma with his father.

    Honestly, is it possible that it can all just be one giant, bad clusterfuckery of coincidences? Or does it always have to be the yukkuri's fault?

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  • Drat. Was hoping to see the end.

    Well, since it's over, I feel the need to critique:

    I like the style, and I like the story, but there's a few continuum flaws.

    #1. Okay, so... this Marisa was gold badge, and had a family with a stray... so... is that family the children that are with THIS Reimu, or did she go and have another family, or...?

    #2. If she was a gold badge, why did she demand things of mister human? No, seriously, she should have known better. While I like her spunk, and the fact that she's insightful, that one thing didn't make sense to me.

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  • Kinda feel bad for Marisa. She knows she can't refresh, so she'd actually be a better pet, since you never have to worry about her breeding with another yukkuri behind your back.

    I'd do what I could to console her. It was Reimu who made her feel so awful.

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  • salvationhope said:
    divine punishment those run away from home and came back with child and husband if i was reimu i will never came back in house she make sin and she guilty she know that she know maybe anon will forgive her nope she make anon turn into evil she the one fault in the end and marisa just victim of reimu evil scheme dont matter reimu are bad or good she did evil things run away home.

    Stop apologizing for the anon. The anon has a severe mental disorder. Also, running away = evil? Seriously?

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  • ThatOneGuy said:
    He's done plenty. They are always a prelude to abyuse though.

    ^ There's more than just this image, but like you, I like to believe a nice anon came and fixed her kotatsu.

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  • KillAllYukkuris said:
    You are responsible for this you fuck.
    No one.
    Not anon, not the fate, not the humans.
    Just you.
    No one but you.

    Feel like a hero yet?

    I hear if you shout really loud at the picture, the yukkuri will respond. <3

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