One Yukkuri Place



Wrathkal said:
Skribulous must have misunderstood. Both of ours are meant to make the yukkuri uneasy, but yours is through a physical method, while mine is just through words.

No, you got it exactly what I said, same results (making yukkuri uneasy) using different methods (JIE = physical involvement, not necessarily corporal punishment; yours = mental confusion). It's JIE that didn't get it, since he's equating physical abuse with literal violence when I never mentioned any.

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  • Wrathkal said:
    <Mind screw>

    JusticeItEasy said:
    <Physical abuse>

    And here we see enumerated are the two branches of the yukkuri abyuse school. Mind you, none of them are wrong at all, since they lead to the same result.

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  • PathOfAbuse said:
    I'd splash the ranma with hot or cold water
    except that yukkuri don't have genders as far as I can tell

    Obviously the bean paste of Jusenkyo-type yukkuri changes when splashed with water.

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  • ...And looking through the archives, there's actually a tag for no.36 anon: no.36_guy.

    Now that I brought it up, this Yuuka Kazami-lookalike fem anon does resemble one of m1's characters.

    (Still trying to figure out whose the creator/originator of the beret-wearing fem anon. artist___ehonaki maybe?)

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  • The panty-on-head anon is a reference, or possibly even a cameo, of no.36. Not only does he resemble Yun Donuts' anon, that's the infamous "derp" face from right here: post #33349.

    Kou seems to be one of the handful, if not the only one, of artists who would include characters from other artists' works, including stand-ins for the authors themselves.

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