One Yukkuri Place



FunkSoulBrother said:
With standards that strict, you'd probably have to categorize most Disney movies as 'not family-friendly'.

That's what I've been saying every single time discussions on what is considered family-friendly come up.

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  • Tatum said:
    I don't think that will work because they probably mated and when they die the babies will crawl out of the corpses and you'll have more than you started.

    It's good business for the pest manufacturers. Who'd buy their product if their stuff does a perfect job?

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  • Wrathkal said:
    I seem to recall reading the summary of this somewhere before, but I can't seem to find it.

    ...I actually went looking for this, because the summary sounded familiar. So i missed platina's post. OTL

    Anyway, it's not exactly the same story, but close enough. The first instance of Yuuhausen Syndrome (AFAIK): post #3884

    Someone who's the leading tagger authority in OYP is going to have fits with what tag I used to finally find it.

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  • starshine said:
    "Between the time when the puddles drank the first easy place, and the rise of the cute little ones of Ayas, there was an age undreamed of. And unto this, Marisa, destined to wear the shiny badge of Dosu upon an uneasy brow. It is Patchouli, her chronicler, who alone can tell yu of her saga. Let Patchouli tell you of the days of high adventure!"

    I'd read it.

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  • maximusfive said:
    That those aren't burgers, they're cream puffs.
    You can even see the cream for the Remillia one, and the chocolate cream on the Flan one.

    At least, I assume that's what his point was.

    ...Am I the only one in OYP who has eaten savory cream puffs? They're real, seriously.

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  • Wrathkal said:
    Why not?

    JusticeItEasy said:
    [...] but at least we tried, uh?

    Here's the thing. There's this commonly accepted universal rule when it comes to yukkuri: Nature itself will bend over to find ways to screw them over. If this (artificial "Dosu" creation) is a good thing for yukkuri, it won't last.

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  • maximusfive said:
    Especially since Remilia's and Flan's supposedly have meat fillings, don't think that would go too terribly well in cream puffs....

    Meat pastries, like pies, do exist, though. Most likely the artist chose to render them as burgers for convenience and easy identification, rather than accuracy or common sense.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Happy Accidents or Stray Invasions! ♡

    They happen a lot in the yu world like to be believable excuses for a pet yu to appear dead.

    Well, this would be moot if it turns out her friend gave Marisa to her as a parting gift, and not just left her pet to have our protagonist take care of temporarily. Still, since these were pets, there had to be some paperwork involved. Would make for an interesting story in any case, similar to the one Fragtagonal wrote in the groups.

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  • Kayjordan17 said:
    What I wonder more if suika types have beer filling,
    wouldn't teen Lez OL suffer from alcohol poisoning by this point?
    Just pointing that out there...

    That does explain why adult Lez OL in the present seems to be perpetually intoxicated.

    But I have the sneaking suspicion the certain sticky white filling "injected" into loli Lez OL isn't the regular Suika filling...

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  • FunkSoulBrother said:
    I think everythin Anon did here was quite deliberate.
    What makes you think he's oblivious?

    There were a series of anko stories featuring an anon that seems to be unaware of the detrimental effect that his actions are to yukkuri. Even his earnest attempts leave the yukkuri in a worse situation than before he arrived. Not exactly ayazou levels of incompetence, but the anons were in fact hypercompetent--in fact, they were too good whatever they do wrapped right back to torment yukkuri. Example: post #27369

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