One Yukkuri Place



yukiyuzen said:
And that is why I frown on automated translations.

Sad thing is, I don't rely on Google Translate either. My Japanese is just that bad.

danogoat said:
puffff to skribulous for being a liar!

You dare puff-puff at me? PUNISHMENT *fingerflick*

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  • ArcanaIX said:
    Alright, so...
    1. The current Boss Marisa is not the 'real' boss - possibly an imitator or an usurper. This may explain why the boss in the flashbacks oppose killing off that retarded koreimu, but this boss killing off many koreimu just to find the killer
    2. This Marisa, the one who calls that komarisa it's kid and the one who had the accessory of that ax crazy koreimu, is the 'real' or 'true' Boss Marisa. It had its hat stolen by the current, 'fake' Boss Marisa. The 'fake' Marisa's hat is the one in the infirmary

    Well, that's what I managed to guess, even though I see some holes and unexplained stuffs even as I'm writing... maybe the 'true' and 'fake' I mentioned is backwards? And that the 'fake' is actually that other Smart Marisa? This is getting really screwy;; It's almost as bad as that Touhou doujinshi I read where parallel-world Marisa tries to stop Reimu from going ax crazy and perma-killing youkais and eventually blowing up Gensoukyo;;

    ...That's actually a pretty good summary. It makes a lot of sense to me (now that I've calmed down from the goddamn lame deus ex machina--*ahem*.).

    In short, current Boss Marisa = Psycho!Marisa (aka. the older "Clever" Marisa with the eyebags).

    ...Which brings us back to the biggest clue to the truth: the Scout Chen's eyewitness report on Psycho!Koreimu (and possibly the murder of the titular Clever (ko)Marisa's father Marisa) post #35039. Why I'm pointing this out, since it has been established that the true Boss Marisa opposes killing yukkuri, so if Chen was telling the truth, why would the true Boss Marisa attack one of the herd?

    I'm still convinced that the chen's trustworthiness is suspect, and modifying my theory, it is possible that the chen knew the truth about the fake Boss Marisa, and is helping out the true boss Marisa in some convoluted plan to force fake Boss Marisa to out itself to the herd (which nearly happened, post #37343 -- in any case, teacher Patchouli is fucked).

    JusticeItEasy said:
    A better plot pacing? I knew we were for a ride of "masks! masks everywhere! the murderer uses one but also others!" but this is becoming convulsing and confusing.

    Maybe It will stop being like this when we get enough pages to develop the whole thing?

    I actually get the feeling that it's more like the whole introduction of the Clever (ko)Marisa protagonist was a badly executed bait-and-switch move, which really hurt the story in the long run. Shifting the perspective to the clan in general (starting the story with teacher Patchouli's field trip to her class and discovering the dead Reimu in the infirmary and eliminating most of Clever (ko)Marisa's family scenes) would improve the pacing without changing the main plot. (Also, the whole angel!Marisa versus devil!Marisa was totally unnecessary, unless it was meant to illustrate that "Boss Marisa" is not sane, which although a good idea was poorly executed.)

    Of course, this might change if Clever (ko)Marisa might have a bigger role in the story, when right now the protagonist's role seems to have ended up with Boss Marisa's little one.

    (Incidentally... clever foreshadowing with Boss Marisa's little one's frustration with being ignored by "dad"--since it's now revealed "Boss Marisa" isn't the father after all.)

    There's still also the signs of a human's presence, which may or may not be a red herring...

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  • After reading through the anko, it's safe to say we can add this to the growing list of examples of the usefulness of raper alice (or just alice in general) in home defense.

    Quick summary:
    Mister caught a family of gutter trash attempting to break in his house. Instead of killing them, he chooses to punish them by letting alice refresh easy.

    He then lets them all go--in the middle of winter (why the strays broke in his house in the first place), while secretly videotaping the whole thing from the very beginning up until they took it easy outside forever.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Damn, just when I was thinking this would be a nice averagely FF story with no WTF or scum aspects warping it like that other story with the "MONSTER LIKE EATERS" Ko's.

    Yeah, I was disappointed too. (Even if the family-friendly beginning was getting to be boring, injecting non-FF drama to generate interest defeats the purpose of FF stories.)

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  • Fragtagonal said:
    Consider the following.
    Lesser artist wants to get better, so they use kiri's work as a reference. Is there anything wrong with that?
    Its not copy pasted, it was redrawn.

    To reiterate what I said earlier: Unlike most of the other comments here, I would've let it pass as a new artist using references while still developing their own style, but the fact that the artist claimed that this was totally original work was what cemented it as a total ripoff.

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  • miiiii said:
    in this one, they look-alike but theyre different.
    the artist its just using the animation style, take it easy.

    There's a little problem with that:

    YukkuriSlayer said:
    The author stated that this was original

    Now, if the artist admitted on basing his style from kiriraitaa, or at least taking inspiration from it, this would've been accepted as a homage. However, this isn't the case here.

    harouki said:
    China quality?

    So how long until this shows up in Sankaku Complex' front page?

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