One Yukkuri Place



boom said:
1) The majority of non-abuse pictures are likely staying on Pixiv/2ch/[add Japanese venue here].
2) Most tastes on OYP trend towards abyuse.
3) Most people aren't receptive towards what they might perceive as "anti-abyuse" (i.e. something like "Strive for Easiness").

I'm not really anti-abyuse. You like what you like, and they're imaginary creatures.

It just gets a bit gratuitous. It'd be nice to see a story that doesn't end with the yukkuri dying some horrible death to an anon that usually kills them because of one little thing.

I know that's how the yuverse works, but it's nice to see the out-of-the-ordinary from time-to-time.

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  • Well, think about it from a percentage.

    If 5% of all Yukkuri are stupid, then out of the 100 Cirnos, only 5 are stupid.

    However, if the same is true, out of the 1,000,000 Reimus, 50,000 will be stupid.

    So it appears that they're stupider only by sheer volume of how many of them exist.

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  • The mass bulk of posts as of late have been exclusively abyuse. Makes me curious as to the fact that all those who like to portray yukkuri as decent/nice pets have moved on to other pastures.

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  • That's a possibility. Since the stress turns their bean paste sweet, it could be passed on to the children.

    Then again, the genetics of it all seems to just be completely random. Yukkuri are just as predisposed to be of any personality type as a human, though much like humans, you can train them away from bad choices.

    I've always been curious, as they're creatures of magic and belief: if you have enough yukkuri and humans that believe that shitheads can turn good, would they start turning good?

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  • Almost always does, doesn't it? You're expecting it to end badly because everything has gone so well up to this point. Kind of ruins other stories that do turn out well, because you become reluctant to keep reading when things get worse.

    Or at least I do. I read them and think, "Oh, God, what's going to happen?"

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  • You know what I liked about this?

    The anon realized that his yukkuri endured all the pressures he put on her, as much as the pressure and anxiety was on him.

    They both grew and matured together. <3

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  • Remember that the base definition of yukkuri is magic.

    They can do anything, and be anything, because everything is fanon.

    She regrew her body, what, 8 times? It wouldn't surprise me if at one point she did become FULLY human. If a yukkuri's will is strong enough, and they want it badly enough, they can do whatever they want.

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  • That's not what I read.

    I read the yukkuri banding together and building up their own little clan.

    Then comes a scum human who destroys it all in a day.

    Now the only one left is the Reimu.

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  • If I may shed some light, JIE:

    Sure, 'five-minutes walking distance,' but the Unyukkuri was underground. Far underground.

    Also, fanon states that Unyukkuri explosions are not radioactive. Plus, the force of the explosion would have probably launched her away before the actual blast caught up.

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  • Well, considering that yukkuri can eat uranium and survive, I'm sure radiation isn't a problem.

    Also, according to the fanon, Unyukkuri's blasts don't leave any kind of radiation, despite it going off with the force of an atomic bomb.

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