One Yukkuri Place



Officer Cool Face said:
Jerry! Jerry!

When I saw the yukkuri_on_yukkuri_violence tag, this classic story was the first thing that came to mind. I'm surprised this wasn't tagged with it, considering how humorously appropriate it is.

Springer would have a field day with yukkuri if they existed in the real world. Until his studio gets firebombed by PETY extremists, and maybe not even then.

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  • This is part 1 of a multi-part story, continued in anko1257 and anko1272. From what little I could understand, the title is an appropriate summary for this part: "Yukkuri Reimu Yearns to Stray".

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  • Burnout said:
    Nice, and a good way to get rid of garbage, too. I did think cutter knives were nigh-indestructible, though.

    It's probably the disposable types, with the breakable blades.

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    What a waste of (comparatively) valuable ammunition...

    yukkuriking said:
    what a waste of bullets, could have gotten the same result with a big stick

    I've been thinking about this story (in before "you're thinking too hard, take it easy!"), when a stray thought occurred to me.

    These two might not be exterminators from the village. Or even from the village for that matter, but weekend hunter types, like salarymen using their vacation to go fishing and the like, except with yukkuri. The way they're dressed does not seem to come from country (bumpkin) folks, and they don't seem to work for the factory or some extermination company. Basically they're hunting in the mountains, as per the pool title (which can be considered a form of irony, since it seemed to be applied to the yukkuri).

    It's still a fitting consequence for this clan since they had the lack of sense (yukkuri and common sense, an oxymoron, I know) to gather together in one convenient spot (well, we know they were planning to raid the village, not that they'll succeed in any way even without these hunters showing up) instead of running away at the first sign of humans.

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  • What has been seen cannot be unseen.

    The same way that some reimu types consider getting pregnant as the easiest of conditions, some yukkuri times--usually marisa--consider making other yukkuri pregnant as a sign of their great benevolence and generosity in spreading easiness. As shown in other fics, some even make it their mission to refresh with uneasy yukkuri--like pets--so that they may get pregnant and be easy yukkuri. For them, it's not rape if it lets you take it easy.

    It must have been quite a shock for this marisa to be hit with the realization that their virility is unwanted--that they're nothing more than refreshing poles, to be used and discarded like uneasy trash (that they really are).

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Still a silly bunny only good for her sex appeal, eh? (well that and some extra skills, but you know what I mean)

    ...I didn't think that far ahead. What I had in mind is the Tewi-Bugs comparison (tricksters).

    But it does seem rather fitting, since Lola is actually competent, level-headed, and drives males nuts.

    Being reisen is suffering.

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  • poweryoga said:
    I find it weird Reimu has more hp than Marisa though. Aren't Marisas usually the strongest outside of pure combat types like youmu?

    It makes sense reimu types have the highest hit points despite her stats being the lowest across the board in average. Think about how deibu manage to not only survive but be a dominant type.

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