One Yukkuri Place



yarnoul said:
maybe chen made fun of reimu for being fat

Reimu was coming on to the Alice, when Chen cockblocked (refresh blocked?) her by mocking her and her singing skills.

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  • Wrathkal said:
    Need I remind you of a certain Ayazou story where Reimu and Yukari's child was a TOTAL SHITHEAD with a shithead level of over 9000, way beyond Senou Natsuru's denseness, strong enough to PIERCE THE HEAVENS?

    Crucifying them would be a mercy. The last thing we want to do is make a martyr of scum.

    I vote for corruption. A couple of raper alice, for starters.

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  • Fragtagonal said:
    I hope thats a joke

    I honestly thought this was his work from the thumbnail. Not that I pay attention to his art or anything like that...

    Also, on a tangent, the thumbnail makes it look like marisa's enjoying the sodomy.

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  • This is an interesting story, yet another take on how despite all good intentions, Mister Human will always find themselves tested by these so-called bringers of "Easiness". Also, the real reason why the universe hates yukkuri: they bring misfortune down on themselves.

    I like how you manage to inject character and depth in the world your stories are set in. Little details, like Anon's interjections while monologuing and "Mariela" and "Regina" as localized names for the two yukkuri makes the setting come alive.

    As a suggestion, how about posting your story in the forum (make a new topic) or in the wiki (under "text_stories" tag) next time? That way, viewers won't be clobbered by your wall of comment stories.

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