One Yukkuri Place



I mean, it's not exactly clear how a bodied yukkuri works, anatomically. The community itself hasn't decided on that.

I suppose some of us could.

I mean, a bodied yukkuri is just a yukkuri that, literally, grew an entire body underneath it. The body itself is nothing more than excess bread and bean paste, however, since some kind of odd, core-to-paste ratio thing is reached, they're capable of higher-level intelligence, unlike normal yukkuri, which are only capable of, at best, adolescent-level intelligence (with exceptions)

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  • They're not stupid.

    Marisa works hard to make Reimu and KoReimu happy.

    Marisa doesn't realize she's sick and is spoiling them into not learning how to hunt-hunt.

    Marisa, unfortunately, passes out and dies from (exhaustion?).

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  • I would, believe it or not, probably keep the ones who got trapped.

    Not to smush, but to see if I could train them. Why not?

    "Hey, your mommy left you. Now it's just us."

    Easy trick to get mice off of glue traps: WD-40

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  • D'aww. Poor yukkuri family. Daddy got sick and died, and the other two starved.

    Odd, because the ko is at least a week old (or so). She should be able to at least gather -some- food on her own.

    Flowers, grass, anything.

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  • I'd like to see stories of yukkuri living to an old age. :3 Most never live long enough, whether due to stray city life, harsh wild environment, or humans.

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  • I'd actually like to see some stories of redemption.

    Plenty of stories of owners throwing their yukkuris out on the street after a gutter trash preggers/gets pregnant with their yu. Why not have someone come along and possibly give the yukkuri a second chance, after all the struggle and tragedy?

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  • Newborn ko's teeth aren't formed enough to eat solid food, so mommy and daddy have to prechew their food until their teeth are strong enough.

    Looks nasty when you draw it all slimey like this, but this is how birds and other animals do it, too.

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  • Okay, littering. :P Jeeze. Destruction of private property (since you don't wanna cast the yukkuri as animals, even if Reimu owned them) and vandalism (since they spilled their filling everywhere). Rawr!

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