One Yukkuri Place



JusticeItEasy said:
Indeed, I always thought that the main bulk of bad yu's had to be as competant as this Marisa to be able to prevail, after all, you don't need to be "smart or cunning" to survive, only resourceful or get things done.

This isn't exactly a new concept. There's stories like post #38845 where the "father" of the household can be really harsh. It's a savage world out there, after all.

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  • miiiii said:
    4- Oiga senor humano, sea calmado y dele ya a Marisela los senores dulces que le prometio, unos ocho esta bien, acuerdese que le dijo que si le prestaba al senor sombrero un rato pal sol le iba a dar unos deliciosos dul-dulces, no lo tome con calma y ya muevase que Marisela no ha comido en tres dias y esta por tomarlo con calma para siempre, apurese y luego caigase muerto en la piedra de alla atras, pero no en el callejon de la cantina que ese es el lugar facil de Marisela… que no me oye? me estoy enojando, que no sabe que Marisela es bien fuerte ze? es estupido ze? A proposito ze? Se quiere morir ze?

    I lol'ed.

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  • FunkSoulBrother said:
    We already have that picture; translated even:
    post #23

    Gothic_Togekiss said:
    Find Similar doesn't seem to work here fails so knowing if the picture you uploaded was a duplicate or not becomes a matter of luck.

    It's the translated original, and since there's no exact image already in the database, it should be fine.

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  • My impressions when I read this before that it was a single yukkuri gang, with the "Godfather" Marisa as the actual leader and enforcers (led by the Gesu Patchouli and the Gesu Myon pair) wiping out the members who have stepped out of line. (Was also quite confused with the roles of the "God" Marisa and the "Scum" Marisa until your summary cleared it up--seems more like the Scum Marisa was a former underling that struck out on her own). The Myons "Guard" were actually the yukkuri equivalent of the police force in the city, and were working with the humans.

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