One Yukkuri Place



Let's see... trespassing, destruction of private property, animal abuse, desecration of holy grounds...

... these guys are screwed, in this life, and in the next.

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  • Yeah, I know it's all supposed to be rage-educing; that's why they go around and poop/pee -only- on the expensive things, so it gives us the feeling that what anon is going to do to them within a few pages is justified.

    :P So let's see how ugly this all gets.

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  • Meh. They poop near-expired bean paste.

    Plus, I keep my iPhone in a Lifeproof. :P Go ahead and try to pee/poo on it, you won't do anything.

    Also, didn't think yukkuri liked salty chips.

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  • I think he draws them as cute as possible as a means of making them disgustingly adorable so you feel less guilty when he eventually has them smashed.

    :3 Just a thought.

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  • I would have thought that the Marisa would have simply not gone after her sister.

    Not because she gives up, but because she saw what her sister did, and would simply not want to do unto her.

    Or maybe I'm just too positive like that.

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  • A cruel experiment, but science doesn't know cruelty, it only knows knowledge.

    While he could simply end this cycle by returning the taken hat (he still has it), he continues to study.

    I'd be interested in seeing where it goes from here.

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  • I apologize if that came out wrong. Yeah, it must be the pacing. I was just pointing out that, his leg got wet, so let me just close my umbrella and... (thus getting more wet)

    And yes, some artists have made posts talking about how abyuse is becoming 'stale.' No, that wasn't a bread pun. :P Yeah, there's only so many ways one can kill a yukkuri.

    I just don't have a taste (again, not a pun) for this stuff. The yuniverse seems to be a rather cruel place for the little manju, whether deserving or not.

    But, like you said, they're just manju.

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  • It's called science.

    He's doing research into how yukkuri react to having their accessories removed.

    Besides, you let yourself get worked up over little manju insulting you? Srsly, man?

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  • "A yukkuri splashed my pants! I'll show her by stabbing her with my umbrella and making myself get wet from the rain!"

    Seriously, the logic in some of these is just getting worse. No wonder many are giving up the whole abyuse thing.

    Oh, and yeah, if she is someone's pet, that's animal cruelty/abuse, which is punishable by fine and possible jail time.

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  • I think there's nothing cuter than when they snuggle up and pass out in your hand.

    Nothing says, "I love you," more than your pet falling asleep in your hand.

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  • By the way he spoils them to think they're some kind of elite, I can forsee this anon's pets turning on him in the future.

    The small ko doesn't understand her position in this world, even though they're all yukkuri. The yukkuri haven't been taught to be nice to other kos and explain; instead, they simply show their ego and flaunt it.

    That's usually a critical sign of shithead behavior.

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  • Right, but remember that she is a ko.

    Children that small don't understand the grave consequences of a bad decision.

    This world is extremely cruel and unforgiving to yukkuri, and it's unfortunate that the severity of it doesn't reach small kos like her.

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  • It's possible that she has some former trauma that is yet unknown.

    She is rather beat-up. Maybe she had an owner and the anon was abyusive, and she was fearful for her child to be pulled into such a situation.

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  • I think I'd be tempted to bring them home. It's not as if the Reimu is begging to be taken home -- she just wanted to save her baby, then wants to leave.

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