One Yukkuri Place



Wikipedia says:

The jelly-like substance made from grating the yam, tororojiru (Japanese: とろろ汁 lit. grated yam juice), is often served in, or alongside, a number of other dishes. Interestingly, perhaps, this was widely used in the Edo period as a personal lubricant for sexual activities,[citation needed] and it was thus considered improper for it to be eaten by a woman. This aversion also derives from the loud slurping sound one makes when eating it, which is considered to be un-ladylike.[1]

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  • maximusfive said:
    And now I find myself wanting a summary of the two parts....
    Oh Platinaaaaa(or Wrathkal)! XP

    It's not out yet, wait a few more days. :(

    The first part is anko3756 『家畜ゆっくり 前編』

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  • Explosion said:
    This... is a rather odd story if I'm understanding it correctly.

    The hobo and yukkuri interacting there is more or less just a backdrop to a brief history of yukkuri in that world and the implications of their interactions with everything and the impact they have on the world.

    Another possible interesting thing to note is that I think that bum is actually an ex-factory employee. His interaction with the yukkuri seems to be fairly benign.

    Pity this yukkuri has gone insane, unable to take it easy as gutter trash. Their exchange ends up inconsequential.

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  • Rook1984 said:
    Also want to know more. Furthermore, are we sure that is a marisa's hat looks off.

    Good eye. Looks like a patchouli's hat actually. Why a marisa has that, though...

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  • Explosion said:
    Damn you, I was about to post that.

    The only other notable thing about that candy is that there's apparently a manju version of it.


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  • Sotodashi said:
    >implying that its in someones house

    Seconded. For all we know, this is all happening in the reimu's yukkurarium.

    Then again, reimu might be expecting her Mister Slave to clean up after her mess, so...

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    So, the komarisa wthat was picked up to be a pet is her sister? that would be a serious karmic blow for this lil shit, I approve if that's the case.

    It's very likely, going by the previous page.

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  • Cheeky said:
    Well maybe they are just being prepared to slaughtered?

    Although wouldnt this make them sour?

    Depending on the author, there will be some preparations done right before the butchering to sweeten the paste.

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