One Yukkuri Place



PathOfAbuse said:
In this yuniverse though, making too much food available to a ko will kill it

if you set up conditions so that a yukkuri will kill itself, does that not count as abuse?

Depends if it was intentional or note. Most often desperate_struggle usually covers the scenarios involved.

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  • Wrathkal said:
    The title isn't really 'things not said', it's 'things that couldn't be said'.

    Reimu wanted to congratulate Big Sis on her child, stealing her lipstick to write a congratulations note. But when the Big Sis came back and said that she couldn't have children, Reimu said 'Then you just have to make more little ones!', not understanding. Big Sis snaps and kills the koyukkuris, but eventually realizes what she's done, and breaks down crying. Next, she walks towards the pair, thinking that everything is a nightmare. The next day, she gets rid of each and every piece of memory of her and the yukkuris. That's when she finds the card.

    Apparently she had a guy, but the guy had another woman, and didn't want the child she was having. And she couldn't say a thing about it to anyone.

    Argh. Now I'm depressed again.

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  • yukiyuzen said:
    anko#### tag might be wrong. It looks like a 1578 to me, but it could be 1378.

    It is anko 1378, "Cute Child". It's a short ficlet/vignette where anon, for shits and giggles, stuck koyukkuri on the inner rim of the car. According to anon, the sight of miserable yukkuri, and their squeals of anguish as he drove off, is cute.

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  • maximusfive said:
    Better question, Why does darth vader have a GREEN lightsaber here? XP

    That's Expanded Universe Luke Skywalker actually. (lolspoiler)

    PathOfAbuse said:
    How is Marisa holding two different items at once?

    Dual Wielding like a boss. ( a DOSU?)

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  • dexter said:
    I don't think this fits the bill of a happy end.

    A seemingly nice, non shitheaded yukkuri loses a loving parent, is all that I see from these illustrations, though I'd have to read an anko summary to be sure it's just a sad end.

    Check the happy_end tag.

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  • yukkuriking said:
    i made my own brance pf pety, I call it people for the protection of niceheads and destruction of shitheads, I call it ppnds

    You mean the Organization for Yukkuri Protection?

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