One Yukkuri Place



Koakuma said:
You~dont~get~it. Through what they say I described the situation. If you haven't noticed, I put yukkuri in human's place. That's exactly my point.

That sort of thinking is frowned upon here, yukkuri.

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  • yukkuriking said:
    you know I allways wonder why the stray never just move to the forest or why humans never make them live in the dumbs to reduce waste

    Lots of stories have the yukkuri ending up in urban areas because the forest is slowly thinning out due to human expansion, in a sort of twisted environmental message. As for the second point, what starshine said.

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  • yukiyuzen said:

    I think you're reading too much into the fanon.

    Maybe, since it's too early for the series, but this might turn out differently. We'll see how ZUN takes this angle.

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  • yukiyuzen said:
    Yeah, I did. You responded to my question with another question. Thats not an answer, thats just being snide.

    And I was being serious. You were the snide one from the very first comment.

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  • sanaeaki said:
    Not Master Chief.
    armor on ODST

    We know. "Master Chief" is simply a humorous placeholder name for the ODST soldier anon. After all, "Mister ODST Soldier" doesn't have the same ring as "Mister Master Chief".

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  • HankySpank said:
    I can't really comment fairly on this series because I know so many people who do this to real pets and it kind of really infuriates me.

    This pretty much summarizes the comments in this series.

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