One Yukkuri Place




If those bodied yukkuri looked like they stepped out of Yukkuri of War, this patchouli is the spitting image of that shithead manipulator in Conquest of Momiji The Easy series.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Hmm i wonder if the dosus made with very femmenine look are meant to be "non fodder/good Dosus" ?

    Nah, it's an actual nicehead (that managed to make it to dosu, which is quite a feat) who happens to look more "girly" than the usual.

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  • Kmf0G said:
    lol no, I do have a Ran Cosplay. But that brings up an interesting thought. Are Yukkuri Fanon-savy? Or is that asking too much of their brains?

    It's largely accepted that yukkuri are willfully ignorant of their source inspiration: post #31810.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    This is the Jaon Revolution! They won't let other abuse them anymore! they'll be the ones doing the abuse from now on! The Spicy Wave is coming!

    Dunno if that's a good thing though, oh well more shithead to deal with.

    It's all shitheads killing shitheads, so it's all good. Let them have their deluded fun in their shithead yukkuri war--wait.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Well everybody use the meme to take pot shots on Reimu and claim it's canon.

    Ten Desires was the last one right? because i hadn't. at least, read much about it. Lately i hadn't been in the mood to keep up with Touhou outside of pics and "my" Hot-Button Material.

    But seriously? you expect a war, even a religious one, to take place in Touhou and Gensokyo?
    They probably will danmaku each other for the lulz and then take a break drinking tea and eating snacks, like always.

    A war between the Space Marines and Yukkuris is far more likely to happen than any war happening in gensokyo.

    Except that Miko and her Taoist faction are being set up to be antagonists from here on. There's no hilarious misunderstandings (SA, UFO) or petty rivalry (MoF) here: using religious persuasion they fully intend to replace the Hakurei shrine as the foundation of Gensokyo, and will take down whoever stands in their way.

    Reimu, even after learning about their goals, only aggravated things with her "I don't care, I'm going to win in the end anyway" attitude.

    No amount of tea parties are going to solve this.

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