One Yukkuri Place



Atzumo said:
I don't even know what the hell is going on anymore... But I like the idea of the orgy. Only if miss joins

After the revelation several strips ago, I get the suspicion this is all Miss' idea to get her harem of bodied yukkuri. Just as planned.

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  • Skribulous said:

    I see now what kiriraitaa is going with this. (post #36638)

    danogoat said:

    ParticleMan said:

    Red_Ruin said:

    I hope the part with house yu family is just a prologue; I want this to become the adventures of Youmu and Chen in pest control, because that would AWESOME.

    I don't even need to add anything. You're all saying the things I wanted to say. Happy end~ <3

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  • platina said:
    Secondly, the ending confused me-how does meeting Mister ensure the clan's demise? I think what the author is going for is that Mister has magical comedy powers of cluelessness that bring about inadvertent yukkuri death and destruction wherever he goes (like the way Ayazou draws a cute little Reimu in a human hand, and we immediately jump to the conclusion that she's doomed). However, considering that they were about to attack a human village, I'd think the Dosu's clan was doomed whether or not they met Mister.

    Tennen-aki's anon is worse than ayazou's anons. Mister Mountain Climber is actually Mister Bean.

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  • platina said:
    The tragedy of this is diffused by the fact that all... these... ellipses... mean that in my mind, the role of Parent Marisa is being played by William Shatner.

    Dammit... Now... I... cannot... unhear it.

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