One Yukkuri Place



Explosion said:
Yeah, you're right. If an artist sucks we should lay into them to let them know their place.

That these for example:
post #5658
post #39611

I mean, what an asshole. This guy just straight up sucks at drawing. He should break his fingers just so this garbage never has to cross our sight again. His art is bad and he should feel bad. AMIRITE?


Why in the nine hells are those abominations to decency and reality posted? Whoever did that should be ashamed for inflicting that hideous monstrosity on innocent minds.


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  • potatotomato said:
    Look at her shoulders and lower part of her thorax.

    Me have no words.

    Is it like lower part of her thorax includes everything that's under it are getting away from the rest?

    What is this, Danbooru?

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  • Skribulous said:

    Too bad Satorin won't see this obvious set-up until it's too late and kaguyakurri's lips already wrapped around her penipeni...

    ...Totally called it. Though to be fair, anyone can see it cumming from miles away.

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  • ukshadow said:

    Hmm. You guys think this deserves the gutter trash tag? That yukkuri looks filthy.

    the deibu tag fits nicely.

    yukiyuzen said:
    If a dosu is involved, I call animal control.

    Seriously, you don't get a guard dog to ward off stray dogs let alone a hungry bear.

    Why call animal control when a good remilia pet can take on a dosu easily? Agreed that a yuyuko or a flandre is overkill, plus they're high maintenance.

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  • yukiyuzen said:
    Its intelligent design.

    On a more serious note, it makes for a better story. Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

    I see what you did there.

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  • platina said:
    Picture text translated.

    Anko0054 was inspired by this picture, not the other way around. There are some differences between the two, like in the picture, it says Marisa was run over by a car, while in the anko story, it says Marisa was run over by a bicycle. And the picture says Reimu will probably never be able to hop again, while the anko has Reimu chasing after the RC car, hopping faster than she ever has in her life, with no mention of her feet still being damaged.

    So these are part of the series then:

    post #20680
    post #7488
    post #7490

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  • Atzumo said:
    I like the direction this is going.
    Keep them coming

    I see what you did there.

    Too bad Satorin won't see this obvious set-up until it's too late and kaguyakurri's lips already wrapped around her penipeni...

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  • boidedyulover said:
    Either you stop this comic right now or I'll delete every single page because I do not like were this comic is going every single yukkuri in this comic is ending up getting hurt or nearly killed and now the owner of the yukkuris has got guns pulled on him i hope this comic end happily with all the bad guys kill and the owner getting every single yukkuri he got back safe and sound and they all live happily ever after (except for that fatchouli)
    this comic better happily or I'll delete every single last that!

    I'd like to see you try.

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  • moi86 said:
    ebay!... ok not really, try jAmazon or something

    Not being sarcastic or anything, I would seriously order lots of them if they were real.

    ...Though not for what our lovely fem anon is using them for. Really. *shifty eyes*

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  • ParticleMan said:
    Haha, Reimu and Alice really fail at parenting.

    Also, it's always nice to hear about a pet owner actually attached to her pets and giving them a chance instead of squashing or throwing them out at the earliest opportunity.

    I actually thought (from what I could understand when I read the anko before) that fem anon let them go, instead of the shitheads escaping.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Why i get the feeling this will evolve into a harem anime storyline?
    Unless Kaguya succesfully leaves before Lez OL get her hands on her.

    I am okay with this.

    starshine said:
    This is clearly an alternate universe to ours. If we could look out a window in the comic, we'd see airships (a clear sign of a different reality).

    Where can I get bodied yukkuri pets then, since they apparently exist in our universe?

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