One Yukkuri Place



JusticeItEasy said:
This may even lead to the yukkuri extinction, since people may aim to mass exterminate them to prevent the crisis to repeat if they succesfully contain the xenomorph outbreak.

In either case, this will probalby become the scenario about yukkuris on which the use of flamethrower would be encouraged alongside firearms over typical stomping and smashing.

Nuke it from orbit to be sure.

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  • ArcanaIX said:
    SOOO... could anybody please summarize what was going on in this series?? I'm completely lost here :(

    Capsule version: A day in the life of a family of cannibal wild mutant yukkuri.

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  • Such a nicehead Satori. She just can't leave anyone in need alone. Of course, she could always explain that she's only replaying the favor. Now if Kaguya would appreciate the sentiment.

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  • danogoat said:
    this is gonna be my last pic for a while, gonna go full on anatomy drawing so i dont think i will be posting more bean bags. As much as I enjoy drawing Yus and even when i have a lot of pictures ready to go i still have to practice. A lot is okay!

    Start practicing with bodied yukkuri.

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  • Okay, that's just creepy. I'm sure CaptainDJ meant for the doll to say "rub-rub", right? Right?

    Reimu said:

    Do lick lick on them, a lot is ok.

    ...Ew. Cannot unsee. Thanks a lot, JIE.

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  • dexter said:
    he mentioned the story name before?

    Let CaptainDJSpankawitz make the name on their own time, don't rush things. It's not like this is going to be unfinished or abandoned, right?

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  • dexter said:
    my interpretation of that scene was that marisa was about to jump into the swiftly-flowing water to get her hat and reimu was stopping her lest she kill herself.

    Then why isn't THAT page posted in the Nicehead pool?

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  • CCX said:
    This is just too adorable. Abuse stories are fun, but I'm glad to see the occasional family-friendly story.

    Funny you should make that comment with this story...

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    OYP has village idiots? no wait OYP is a village? since when?

    Since the king of ADD has declared it to be so.

    JusticeItEasy said:
    But yeah that isn't a legacy is more fooling around with silly words.

    And legacy implies a form of homage. This is more like turning catchphrases into swear words.

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