One Yukkuri Place



On that account, bodied yukkuris actually resemble normal babies more than many real deformed babies with diseases and symptoms, like the type where the head is shrunken and the top half of the head isn't here, making the brain visible from the outside. Which makes sense, since Makako's archtypical yukkuri Remyria basically acts like a baby.

However, it doesn't bother me any more than regular yukkuris, since I love them all dearly (except maybe Deibus and Alices and others acting particularly vile), but also appreciate different peoples' efforts and creativity. Hence I've no complaint against yukkuri torture, or the rape or killing of my most beloved Touhou characters, ect. It may not be my cup of tea, but people are free to express themselves, as long as they understand it's fiction.

Also, is Chen doing poo-poo?

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  • While I love yukkuris and the 4th panel would horrify me in real life, now that I think about it, I DO eat fish face at least...

    Guess it's easier when they don't make such an agonized expression.

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